Chapter 1

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Note: Your character in this story is a female.

I flopped onto my bed with a grunt and settled in to watch Netflix on my laptop. I knew George had been streaming so I didn't want to disturb him by asking if he wanted to watch with me.

After a while, however, I was getting restless, and it didn't help that my screen now displayed the 'low battery' icon, flashing dully before switching off entirely. I searched for the charger but, per usual, George had stolen it for his computer, so I stomped over to his room to confront him.

It had been hours so I assumed he had finished streaming, which is why I didn't knock before entering and shouting at him:

"George you fat fuck did you steal my laptop charger AGAIN? I swear to god just buy-"

This was when I stopped to take in the scene in front of me: George in his gaming chair staring at me with an urgent look on his face, his setup glowing brightly due to the flashing (and very much on) facecam, and the twitch chat going batshit crazy.

"I- what... oh" I stammered, flushing bright red (just imagine your face warming if you're a POC bc inclusiveness :) ). I rushed out of the room, slamming the door behind me, and stumbled back to my room empty-handed. It wasn't like I was going to watch Netflix after that anyway - I knew George didn't want to tell his fanbase he had a younger sibling just yet, and I took his decision from him.

Slumped at my desk in front of my gaming setup, I cradled my warm face in my hands and contemplated my mistake. I must have been sitting there longer than I thought because all of a sudden George burst into my room and saw me sitting miserably.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, surprisingly compassionately given my huge slip-up.

"Like shit" I admitted, "I can't believe I ruined this for you, I'm so sorry". Against my will, a single tear forced its way out of my eye, sliding forlornly down my cheek.

"Hey, don't be sorry! You didn't know, it was an honest mistake, and the fans were bound to find out one way or another now we're living together. Don't beat yourself up." His arms snaked their way around me and I leant into the hug, feeling comforted by how protective he was of me.

"The fans are pretty hyped up about it though. I was wondering if you wanted to maybe do a Q&A stream with me tomorrow? Only if you're comfortable with it of course," he added hurriedly, not wanting to rush me into it.

And how bad could it be? I only heard glowing reports from George about all his friends, especially the ones he called Dream and Sapnap. I had seen a few hate comments on my big brother's twitter but all the loyal fans were quick to shut them down. So I nodded, hesitantly, and I was rewarded by a beaming smile from George.

"Great! I'll tweet about it now then. I'm so glad we could introduce you, I feel bad hiding you from all my supportive fans. Who knows, maybe you could start a Twitch? You have the equipment for it!" He exclaimed, gesturing at my gaming setup, which was a present from him to me. Well, sort of. I paid half as it was quite expensive and I didn't want to owe my brother money.

I started smiling, excitement drowning the slight nerves I felt at all of the GeorgeNotFound stans seeing me for the second time. A notification pinged from my phone and checked it to see George's tweet.


Those of you that watched my livestream have already met my baby sister, @Y/Nisnotscared , but I will be streaming a formal introduction and a Q&A tomorrow at 4pm BST too because you guys wanted to see more of her!





Heck yeah!! Gogy has a sister!!





Omg I'll be there! Can't believe it XD





Yessss she sounds so cool!

The replies were mainly positive, with the haters not having much ammunition as I was only on screen for a matter of seconds. All I could think about over dinner and when I was getting ready for bed was the stream tomorrow, and as I scrolled through my notifications in bed I saw that I had gained hundreds of follow requests on Twitter since George tagged me. I ignored most of them, but five stood out to me, as I recognised them to be from George's online friends.

dream has requested to follow you.

sapnap has requested to follow you.

wilbursoot has requested to follow you.

tubbo has requested to follow you.

tommyinnit has requested to follow you.


792 words.

Thus concludes my first chapter published on Wattpad!

I hope you enjoyed it, please make sure to vote if you did.

Constructive criticism is welcome!

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