Chapter 2: First Date

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~1 Week Later~
Stacy POV
It's been like a week and I still can't get over the fact that Graser likes me! *ding* Oh, Graser just texted me.
Graser: Hey Stacy, how are you?
Stacy: I'm good.
Graser: That's good. So, I was wondering if you would maybe want to go out for dinner with me tonight? Sorry it's last minute, but do you want to go?
Stacy: Sure, where are we going?
Graser: You'll see...
Graser POV
Wow, I can't believe that I just asked Stacy on a date. And that she said yes! I'm going to take Stacy out at a fancy restau rant down the street. I'll do anything to make Stacy feel loved. I'm probably wear a nice shirt and some jeans. I wonder what Stacy will wear.
Stacy POV
Oh my gosh, Graser just asked me out for dinner. I wonder where Graser will take me out for dinner. Anyways, I need to find something nice to wear.
~3 Minutes Later~
Oh, this dress looks nice. I think I'll wear it.
~3 Hours Later~
Stacy POV
Oh, Graser's here!
Graser: Wow Stacy, you look beautiful.
Stacy: *blushes* thanks. You look handsome.
Graser: Aw thanks.
Stacy: So where are we going?
Graser: A fancy restaurant. Anything for you.
Stacy: Aw thanks. Let's go.
Graser: Okay.
~10 Minutes Later~
Graser: Okay we're here!
Stac you: Wow, this place looks amazing.
Graser: That's what I thought too.
Graser POV
Stacy seems happy, and she's so beautiful, just, wow. Anyways, we're going to our table now and going to pick something to eat from the menu.
Graser: Do you know what you want?
Stacy: Yea I'm ready to order. Are you?
Graser: Yea.
Waiter: Okay, what will you guys want?
Stacy: I'll have some lasagna.
Graser: I'll have some spaghetti.
Waiter: Okay I'll get that right to you.
~30 Minutes Later~
Stacy POV
We finished eating and Graser's going to take me back home.
Stacy: That was a good dinner.
Graser: Yea it was.
Stacy: We should go out again sometime.
Graser: Yea, maybe next week?
Stacy: Sure.
~10 Minutes Later~
Graser POV
Okay we got to Stacy's house and I'm going to drop her off now.
Graser: I'll talk to you later Stacy, bye.
Stacy: Bye Graser.
A/N: Okay so hopefully you guys are enjoying this story, and I'm getting kind of busy with school with tests and stuff, so yea. Anyways, leave some suggestions for chapters, I'd love to see what you guys are interested in seeing out of this.

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