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"My house is just right around the corner. You can go".

"You sure? I can drop you all the way. My house isn't actually far, you know?", Suna said, pointing at a corner, possibly saying that's the directions to his house.

Suna, I too, am sad about our partition. You can just say that you want to spend more time with me.

"Alright, sorry for troubling you", y/n said before they kept on walking.

"It's fine. But you know, you should say thank you more often than sorry. It's better to say something positive than negative".

"Alright, Mister know-it-all".

Both of them chuckled. Ah, and it all ends as y/n is getting closer to hell. 

Suna waves at y/n before leaving. He kept turning around, making sure y/n entered her home safely.

"I'm home", *crash* a bottle of sake hits a little bit of y/n's cheek, making it bleed.

"Where have you been?!", y/n's mother shouted. She stands in front of y/n, behind her stands  a lot of sake bottles on the table. The house reeks of wine.

y/n carefully picks up the broken glass bottle and threw it in the trash. "Come back here!".

"Sorry Ma, yes?".

"Where. Have. You. Been?".

"I... I went to see the volleyball's practice".

"For what?! You could've used the time to study!". y/n's mother slapped her.

y/n cupped her cheek. "Sorry, Ma. I will study today".

"Excuses! I should have aborted you or left you on the streets. But I didn't, you should've been thankful!".

Sorry that you gave birth to such a dissappointment.

"Sorry Ma, I will study now".

y/n slowly moves to her room. She closed the door, and broke down in tears.

No, y/n. You can't cry. If you do, your face will be swollen and then Suna won't like you anymore.

She gets up and looked at herself in the mirror. Her left cheek were swollen a bit from the slap, and her right cheek has a small scar.



Y/n wakes up to see her left cheek still swollen from the night.

She took a shower, and get dressed. She puts on a mask, hoping nobody finds out about what happened.

"Are you sick?", Ayumi, the class representative, asked.

Y/n nods, faking a cough.

"If you're still feeling unwell, tell me so that we can go to the nurse's office, alright?".

y/n nods. Just as she wanted to look at Suna, he's already been looking at her. His eyes met y/n's and he smiled. She turned her head, feeling embarrassed.

Damn it, Suna. You're driving me crazy.

After their Literature Class, they had a free period. Y/n quickly got up and heads to the rooftop, not noticing Suna trailing behind her.

"Ah, this mask is so annoying", y/n said, pulling it out. 

"Y/n? What are you doing here?".

As she heard Suna's voice, she quickly covers her face. No, no, no. She can't let Suna see her in this state. 

Suna squats in front of her. Slowly pulling away her hand from her face.

He tucked her hair behind her ear, getting a clearer view of her face.

a/n: Imagine Suna being THAT close. Bye I'm shifting tonight.

"Who did this to you? Why didn't you get this treated?".

"Let's go". Suna said, pulling y/n's hand to go to the nurse's office.

"My dear, what happened to you?", the nurse said as she examined y/n.

"I got stung by a bee".

"What about the other side?".

"I fell and hit the corner of the table".

"Honey, don't lie. There's a small glass stuck inside your wound". She said as she pulls out the piece. 

"Do you wanna talk about it?".

Y/n slowly shakes her head. It's better if people don't know, especially him.

"Alright, if you're ready to talk, I'm here".


"Are you gonna keep it to yourself?", Suna asked as they were going home together. 


"Alright, I don't want to force you. But I'm here if you need me, alright?".


"Oh, let's stop by the convenience store! I wanna get some Chuupet!", Suna pulled y/n's arm softly, going inside the store.

"Chuupet? What's that?".

"This", Suna joyfully showed the sticks in his hands. "You've never had it?".

Y/n shakes her head before taking one and looking at it.

"Well, let me pay for it", he takes the stick in her hand and went to the register.

"So, how does it taste?".

"Nyum, it's so good!".

"I know, right? Do you wanna stay at my house for the time being?".

y/n choked on the jelly. "Huh?".

"I won't ask twice".

y/n sighed. "Al-alright".

For the first time, y/n had a nice meal with a nice family. Suna's parents were very nice, but they did asked a lot of questions.

Y/n slept in the guest room, while Suna slept in the living room, since it's closer to the guest room. If anything happens, at least he'll be close by to make sure everything's alright.

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