the Treehouse

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I sit on a curb smoking a nice cigarette thinking about the new town I'm in, I've only been here for a few days now and haven't met anyone fascinating to me.

Im not a good kid I got grades that will let me pass but that's really it my teachers dont like me 'I'm a trouble maker' well it's true but I have times where I'm smart then I'm the smartass it's my teachers fault for not communicating with me properly

I stand up looking around I get out another cigarette I walk around the small town seeing nothing but a kid go up to this tree house by the way I'm not some low life pretty girl I'm a so called tomboy

I watch the boy go up the tree house I tilt my head throwing my cigarette to the left of me running to the tree house I knock lightly
I hear a bit of mumbling and rustling around I take a moment then charge through the flap

"Its a girl!" a kid who seems my age yells with brown hair "no I'm a man" I say holding my arm "what's your name and howd you get here?" A boy with blonde hair asks a bit angry but confused "I'm Morgan and I was just walking down the street and saw him walking here so I followed him"

I say with a bit of a excited tone "Hi Morgan I'm Teddy Duchamp" Teddy says looking at me up and down "you have any friends?" The kid with dark brown hair asked "No I just moved here from California" I say looking down at my dirty shoes "well we all could be your friend"

I smile "thank you" I say looking at them "I'm Chris this is Vern and this is Gordie you already met Teddy" Chris says with a small smirk on his face

"Morgan Vern was telling us about a dead kid wanna join us?" Teddy says looking at me "Mmm.." I hum thinking about my family but they wouldn't care I'm just a mistake to them "comon dont be a pussy!!" Teddy and Chris yell

I shake my head with a laugh "okay fine! But don't call me a pussy again!" I say giggling "deal!" They both yell smiling "alright its 10 now we meet here at 11" Chris says standing up as do me and the others "I'll say I'm staying at Teddys and you guy say your staying in Verns back yard" Chris looks at me "I'll say I'm at a friend's house" he nods we all get out of the treehouse going to our homes

I walk up my driveway to a old White House I walk into accidentally slamming the door behind me "Sorry!!" I yell running upstairs to my room past my crazy brothers room I grab some snacks and some water I grab my sleeping bag and my canteen

I throw my sleeping bag over my shoulder also throw my canteen over my other shoulder I walk downstairs going to my mom who is drunk as hell on the couch "I'm stay at friends mom" I watch as her eyes watch the tv I walk out of my house walking on the bare sidewalk

I pull out a cigarette lighting it
I hear Gordie behind me "Hey! Wait up!!" I stop walking waiting for him "what's your name again?" He asked sounding a bit disappointed "Morgan" I say with a chuckle "oh okay sorry I forgot" he chuckles in nervousness "it's okay sport" I wrap my arm around him then a blue truck with hay bailes pulls up next to us "here is fine thank you!" Chris jumps off the back off the truck

"Morgan doesn't have a rythm" Chris says kicking a rock as we walks down the sidewalk "Morgan Cruz" I say flicking my cigarette "well Cruz that sounds better" I roll my eyes we walk past a red shop that two guys came out of the store taking Gordies hat

"Hey! Give me that!!" He tries taking his hat back "my brother gave me that!!" He yells "now he gave it to me" the man said "Your a real asshole you know that?" Chris says "your brother isn't so kind is he?" He grabs chris throwing him on the ground

Holding a cigarette inches from his face "Let him go!" Me and Gordie yells "Take it back! Take it back kid!!" He yells "I take it back!!" Chris yells I look at the blonde and smile "Your gonna die" I tackle him punching him multiple times before Chris and Gordie ripped me off him

I saw his nose was crooked and red full of blood "Your gonna pay for this!!" He yells "Don't be a pussy!" I yell as Chris dragged me away from the scene back to the tree house "you can let go of me now" I push Chris off me

"What took you so long?" Vern asked us "Ace took Gordies hat then Cruz beat him up" I wipe my knuckles in my pants looking up "what?" I ask looking at Teddy there was something about him..he was adorable looking and made me want to hug him forever

We walk dow mn the train tracks the boys sang a song while I mumbled a bit "I brought a comb" Vern says with a smile "whyd you bring a comb" I laugh kicking a rock

"hey anyone got any food?" Vern asked "Shit I dont have any" Teddy yells "You didn't bring anything!?" Chris yells back at Teddy "No its was Verns idea!" Teddy yelled back "now what are we supposed to do? Eat our feet?! " I blankly look at Vern cause I ate my last snack "anyone got any money?" Gordie asked "I have five dollars" I hand it to Gordie as the others hand in there money "7 sents?" Gordie says shaking his head "train comin' " Chris says as we all get off the track besides Teddy

"Are you crazy!?" Chris yells "I'm dodging it" he says I roll my eyes "Train dodging dig it" I shaken head throwing my stuff in the ground getting on the tracks "Hey! What are you doing?"
He yells pushing me slightly "I'm gonna stand here till you get off the tracks" I say watching the train

He sighs grabbing my hand and pulling me off the tracks I quickly take my hand back as I saw his ear was burned I instantly wanted to know what happened..I bet he want to know what happened to my burns hand. "What happened?" He asks "my mom held my hand to a greaser when I was a kid.." I say looking at my shoes again

We continued walking down the tracks Teddy wraps his arm around me i smile wrapping my arm around him "so Morgan" Vern asks looking at my hand "I got bad parents okay?" I say with ease and annoyance "did it hurt?" I roll my eyes "Yes Vern" I let go of Teddy and walk to Chris and Gordie "Good job Verno! You scared her away!" Teddy yells hitting Verns shoulder "Ha! You flinched" Teddy punches Vern twice in the arm

*I fr write to much 😫*
I'll continue tomorrow or Monday :D

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