"because problems exist to be fixed."

"this is different," mike replied coldly, sitting up to face her. you could hear the hurt and anger in his voice.

it wasn't that mike didn't want to see will again, quite the contrary. it was more of the fact that it hurt to see will again. with his birthday just around the corner, will would likely be hanging out with max, el and dustin. perhaps lucas too, as he'd likely get dragged along by his now best friend max.

lucas would probably call mike and drag him, too. out of everyone, he and el checked talked to mike the most. actually, mike also started an unlikely friendship with the two employees at "scoops ahoy!" who spoke so wisely to he and will on their first date all those years ago. steve and robin, they were called. 

nancy sighed. "never change, mike," she sarcastically said, "i thought you'd be mature enough to handle shit like this by now, but, i guess not. thanks for yelling in my face."

"nancy, wait-," said the other, regretting his harsh tone. it was too late. she'd closed the door and left his room, without another word. mike sniffled and decided to head outside, maybe he'd go to the mall to look for steve and robin. yes, that was what he would do.


he'd come at the right time, and they led him to a table. the place wasn't too busy, and steve and robin were on break.

"here ya go, mophead, on the house," steve handed him a ice cream sundae with extra whipped cream. mophead was a nickname mike earned, due to his hair's shaggy appearance.


mike told them everything. he told them how he snapped at his sister and how his breakup with will felt more painful than it should be.

"she said i should be over this by now," he referred to nancy. he dipped his spoon into heap of the vanilla ice cream.

"breakups are tough," said steve, "especially at your age." robin was silent for a moment. she felt something was off about the whole situation.

"i bet he feels the same as you," he said again.

"yeah, right." mike deadpanned. robin was looking intently out the store window, and neither of the other two had noticed yet.

she saw someone outside the parlor that looked familiar, except with blonde streaks in his hair. she thought it was him, the boy mike was still pining over, but she wasn't sure. and there was another boy beside him, curly brown hair, tall. she didn't recognize him. but they looked happy. they seemed to be laughing, and the curly-haired boy put an arm around the other's shoulder. the other tensed, visibly.

"robin, what the hell are you lookin' at? get your head outta the clouds," steve turned his head to get a glimpse of what robin was looking at.

"shut up dumbass," robin said squinting, "i thought i saw someone but i guess not."

mike was curious for a moment, raising an eyebrow. and then he did something he shouldn't have.

the raven peered upward, for a split second, the time it took to blink an eye. the boy outside the ice cream shop turned around.

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