A Leaking Heart

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Asahi tumbled into the chat, face red from running and hair askew. "Sorry I'm late," he babbled nervously, taking a deep breath before exhaling. "I...lost track of time...."

Asahi looked up, and saw a beautiful young lady. Her bangs fell right above her eyes, her glasses frames shining from the chatroom lights. He choked on his words, becoming a stuttering mess.

Y/N blushed... wow!! asahi's in chat!!!

"is there something wrong? your face.."

Asahi blushed as well, looking away from Y/N in fear of revealing...something. He patted his cheeks anxiously and laughed. "Um.. not in particular? Must be from running..." That sounded like a total valid excuse!

"oh,, okay!! s-so what are you doing in chat today..." Y/N said, literally pissing

Asahi watched as Y/N pissed on the ground. His face turned into one of disgust and he stepped back. His answer to Y/N's question left his brain as it was replaced with disgust. "Did you just.... Pee?"

Asahi backed up even more, making his way towards the door. "I can't...I'm sorry Y/N, but this is the limit." He ran out of the gym, tears leaking out of his eyes just as the piss did from Y/N. His life was over, the girl he loved having pissed. She was not the girl he loved no longer..

As Asahi ran, he accidentally found himself in the middle of the street. As he got hit by a car, all he could think about was Y/N pissing.

As the world went dark...so did any hope he had...

Time slowly stopped.. and Asahi had met his end.

Nishinoya was on his daily walk, a great way for him to get the energy out of his system. He walked through town, a smile on his face. He couldn't wait to see Asahi today! He was definitely going to surprise him.

His smile fell as he laid eyes onto the street in front of him, where Asahi laid.

"A...Asahi?" Nishinoya felt himself sink to his knees, shaking. "This...this has to be a joke, right?" He shook the ace's body profusely. "Wake up Asahi, this isn't funny." Nishinoya hadn't even.... That didn't matter. "Please, please...I need you..." A sob worked his way out of his throat and he felt himself cry, utterly broken at the fact the man he loved had died.

As his cries echoed, they finally came to a halt, being reduced to bare sniffles. He leaned down, giving Asahi a peck on the lips as a final goodbye.

Asahi suddenly burst to life.

Asahi leaned up, coughing up a fit. Nishinoya's eyes widened and he held Asahi up, waiting for the other to stop coughing. The older man eventually did, looking at Nishinoya in confusement. "Wh...What happened?"

Nishinoya looked apprehensively to the side. "I think you died and came back to life....becauseikissedyou."

Asahi looked at the libero in shock. "You...kissed me?" Nishinoya coughed, blushing.

"Besides that, how'd you even...yknow?" He asked, wiping the tear streaks from his eyes. Asahi only shrugged, standing up and removing them from the middle of the road.

"Y/N pissed and I ran away, not watching where I was going," he explained. Nishinoya grew cold...was this Y/N's fault? And she pissed?

"....As long as you're safe now," Nishinoya muttered. He hoped Asahi wouldn't bring up the kissing thing. "I should take you to your house...you definitely need to be patched up." He wiped some blood off Asahi's forehead, standing on his tippy toes to do so. "You're bleeding."

Asahi flushed, but then frowned. Why was he blushing? Nishinoya was only his friend, nothing more. "Okay," he said, albeit hesitantly, and the two made their way to Asahi's house.

A Leaking Heart | Asahi x Reader / Asahi x Nishinoya FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now