"It is not," I snapped, slamming my fists on the counter. "I mean, it won't be easy, but..."

Ethan reached for my hand. "Rachel—"

I saw the pity in his eyes. It only made me angrier. He thought I was lying to myself. Maybe I was. Maybe I needed to, because to consider the alternative...

"No," I said through clenched teeth. "Do not tell me it's impossible. It isn't."

Ethan just nodded, gently holding my hand. "It's not impossible."

"We can do this," I continued, glancing between every one of them. "We can save him. We have to." My voice shook then. "We have to... at least try."

One by one, they exchanged glances before nodding in agreement.

"I'll do whatever you need me to," Polly said.

I gave her a weak smile. "Thank you."

We were going to do this.

"So," Ethan said, pulling us back to the plan. "We get in, we get Luc, and..."

"We kill the Malix," I said, taking a deep breath.

That dropped another silence. Everyone's eyes went wide.

"Kill... it?" Ethan echoed, his voice small.

"How the hell are you going to do that?" Polly asked. "That binding spell we used last time didn't kill it. It didn't even keep it down for long."

"We're going to do what I did," Lillian said. "Seal it inside someone and then kill them. Only we're going to get it right this time."

Polly eyed me carefully, but her gaze was sharp enough that I knew she was looking for her sister. She knew something was up. "And just who is that someone?"

I swallowed. "M-Matilda."

Polly just stared at me.

Tory did one long blink before folding forward and resting his head on the counter. There was a quiet moment before he gave out a muffled scream.

"Look," I said. "We can do this, we just gotta focus on one step at a time. Before we can even worry about that, we need to worry about getting there."

Lillian spoke through me again. "And that's something I have a plan for. If everything is where I left it," she said, "then I think I have everything I need to draw a door."

Draw a door? I had no idea what that meant, but the dawning of understanding that came across Ethan and Tory's face told me it wasn't unusual. Only Polly seemed to share my confusion; her brow pressed together under her red curls.

"Left what where?" Polly asked her brow diving further.

"I have a few hiding spots in the house," Lillian added.

"I know," her sister replied. "I found them."

"There are ones you wouldn't have found."

"So quit bragging," I added as soon as she finished with my mouth, "and show us."

"I'm not bragging," Lillian shot back indignantly.

Without warning, she pushed us back in the chair.

What are you doing? I thought at her. Quit that.

I'm doing exactly what you wanted, she thought back, a tinge of snark in her voice. I'm showing you. It will be easier if I lead the way.

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