Chapter 2

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It was night time and the Yagi household was celebrating about Izumi getting OFA , after their celebration inko felt that something was missing, "what's wrong inko hun" asked scrawny might "Oh it's nothing I just can't help but shake this feeling that something is miss-" she soon realised that Izuku hadn't came home, she jumped up from her dinning seat ,"WHERE IS IZUKU?!" she screamed "wait now that you mentioned it he hasn't come home yet and ITS ALREADY SO LATE!"  he caught the glimpse of the time "let's go to the police station and issue a search" Inko said in the midst of this Izumi was panicking while thinking 'he didn't actually do it did he? Oh no'.
After they registered their complaint they were thinking about what had happened both Toshinori was thinking that it may have been because of him and told Inko about it "YOU SAID WHAT!" She shouted "I wanted to protect him what else would I do it would've been dangerous for him to follow his dream" Inko calmed down "no it's bad on my part too" she said "I realised that since I knew that he was quirkless I had stopped paying any attention to him" in one room Izumi was crying thinking it was all her fault for coming up with the stupid idea to beat him up so he wouldn't pursue his dream 'I am sorry Izuku I am sorry... I promise I will be a kind of hero you can be proud of ' .
After 2 weeks of searching the police presumed that he was dead the Yagi household was in grief, the next day at school Izumi was uncomfortable this didn't go unnoticed by Katsuki, Katsumi , shoto and shouka , " hey what's up with you today are you ok?" Katsuki asked Izumi told them everything they were shocked and felt extremely guilty of it.
Meanwhile Izuku was with Gramps Taejin jin in a park, he was sitting on the ground while looking at his Gramps performing a kick he saw that his single kick generated a medium wind force "No, not like this it should be more simpler and effective" he said, Izuku came close to him a performed a kick of his own he was kind of embarrassed by what he did by mistake "oh do you want to be strong like me?" Taejin jin asked " Y-Ye-Yes ji-chan" Izuku sttuterd out ,"Ok then I'll teach you re-taekowndo !" Taejin jin said excitedly Izuku's face lit up "Really! Thank you!" and had a smile over his face.
(2 year timeskip)
"Ji-chan please don't leave me here!" Izuku cried out "Izuku I also don't want to leave you but the bad guys after me can harm you too please don't make this hard on me" Taejin jin said , Izuku calmed down a bit but was still sad "ok listen to me Izuku I want you to do these three stuff for me, 1. Take this book of re-taekowndo with you and don't lose it you still haven't mastered re-taekowndo yet so you would need it 2. Become strong and fight for yourself and last 3. Make lots of friends " he said , "Th-then I want a favour too." Izuku asked "hm" replied Taejin "Since it's my birthday today I want a photo with you as a gift " he said "of course" they took a photo from asking a photographer and with that Taejin jin left Izuku 'I promise I will use my powers to help others and I will get stronger and will give you a good fight ji-chan!' he thought with determination in his eyes.
Over the five years Izuku had trained nonstop , he had met Daewi, Mira and Ilpyo where Daewi and Mira were 2 years older than him Ilpyo was 3 years he had gained a bit of his memories went to Oranguek (am I spelling that right ) and made amends with the fake king and he gave him his armour suits back whith the gourd bottle and became friends with him plus Daewi and Mira have the jade emperors powers and izuku has control over the 7th heavenly floors gaurd and had control over geudwoon too basically he is hella OP.
(5 year timeskip)
Izuku's pov:
We see the 15 year old Izuku thinking about  the universes biggest question  ever 'What should get I get for today's dinner?'  needless to say my priorities  were really one of a kind , I decided to have bulgogi and rice, I was on his way home when someone called my name out "umm Mr. Jin" I perked my head around and saw a man "yea?"I said "would you come with me for a bit" the unknown man said "sure" I replied I was still wondering how he know my name we went to a black limo "I will put this bluntly we know about all of your powers and would like you to join U.A highschool as a hero course student" he said "well I have my questions would you like to hear me out?"I said "of course" he replied.
"Who is this 'we' you speak about"
"The government"
"How will I get in isn't the applications done and finished plus the school even started off"
"You will be a recommended student by the government"
"I see"
I thought about it and said "I always wanted to be a hero so I very much want to go with this offer but I'll do it at one condition" "what is it ?" He said back, honestly I just said it because I liked saying no but now I can't think of anything "I want a big house in a good area near to the school" I said 'what the hell Izuku you just asked a guy about a house!';  "oh that's no problem that'll be done as soon as it is done we'll inform you" he said 'he agreed to it!' "oh ok then when will I be starting"I asked "two days from now" he replied "and please use your full power only when necessary we don't want a panic about a supposed god in a highschool would we Mr. Jin or should I say jaecheondaeseong"he added and with that I said thank you to him and got out of the limo and went to my house trained and ate bulgogi and rice layed down in bed with a stoic face (a/n so sincere!) , as I laid down on my bed the events of today started playing in my head with that a smile crept on my face as I thought to myself 'The next few days are gonna be fun' .
(a/n hey readers sorry for the long pause the first thing is that I have my studies piling up so I couldn't do the story writing but I managed time and here I am I have nothing else to say so stay safe and healthy  any type of criticism is allowed please comment to let me know how the story is  and with that author-san over and out)

THE QUIRKLESS GREEN MONKEY (Slow Updates) (IZUMOMO) (OP IZUKU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora