Take me to the Stars✨

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"I don't know if anyone has ever told you this, but you're more beautiful than any planet I've ever seen."

"You're just saying that to get in my pants probably....."

"Well yes I want to get in your pants, but I want you for more than that. You're perfect for me, if only you'd let me have you."
"I can't get enough of you whenever I'm with you, your face, your hair, your body, and your mind. I want all of them to be mines."

"Why would you want me? I'm not even as beautiful or intelligent as anyone you could date."

"Why do I want you? Because you're more than any of that. You're my love and baby girl I wanna take you to see the moon and the stars."


Hello and welcome to Play by the Rules! This is my adult romance novel I am currently working on. I do hope you enjoy Zuri and Caleb's story!

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