twenty-four 🔥🔥🔥

Start from the beginning

"With... me?" With her free hand, she pointed at her chest, her trembling finger pressing against her racing heart. "You... and her... want me to... join?"

"Look, I know we never discussed it." He took her hand and pushed it into his torso. A slight film of sweat had slicked over his skin, and it brought flashes of their recent night to Coralie's mind. "I know you never agreed to it, but... from that conversation we had, I got the vibe that... you were still into it. That if I sprung it on you, not giving you time to overthink it, you might consent."

Coralie eyed the woman waiting in the background. She was well-shaped, svelte like a model but with more curves, and with a flat stomach and certain sex-appeal Coralie would expect in a high-class, expensive call-girl. Maybe a famous porn-star. She had the airs of Nikita, minus the bubblegum pink hair—that same easy confidence without flaunting, that perfect posture, that obvious comfort and boldness one would admire in another woman.

Coralie was straight. One hundred percent. Yet there had been times when her curiosity led her down interesting rabbit holes that ended with her masturbating while imagining herself in this very situation. A threesome with a man and another woman... a fantasy she'd never thought she'd be able to realize. Too nervous, too unsure, she'd let that idea die in the back of her mind.

But Chester was offering it to her now on a silver platter?

Fuck. Where is Delilah when I need her?

Delilah, as a bisexual woman, would jump on the occasion to experience both genders in such an intimate setting. And she'd smack Coralie if she declined such an adventure now, no doubt.

"It's our chance for a re-do. To fix our botched threesome from all those years ago. And it'll be better, because Lyla is... experienced," said Chester, bursting her pensive bubble with his provocative voice. It was a tone she remembered him employing back in the day, to entice women to his bedroom. Including her. It had worked every time... and Coralie sensed it might work tonight, too.

"I... this... I wish you would have consulted me," she said, her words difficult to compose. She didn't want to offend Lyla—whose body appealed to her the longer she tried not to stare at it—but she had reservations. Questions. Concerns. She was a planner and jumping into this without thinking would throw her off too much to have a good time.

"No, because you'd have changed your mind fifty times. Cora." He grasped her chin and turned her to him, bringing his mouth mere inches from hers. Alluring, wet, smeared with a mix of his and Lyla's succulent saliva. "You don't have to do this. But it's a yes or no situation, not a maybe. You're either in, fully in... or you're not, and that's okay. No hard feelings, I swear."

She swallowed, lingering on his luscious lips for a moment. She sensed his penis pressing up against her, hardened, vibrating with desire for her. And Lyla.

Electricity shot through her. She tipped sideways to glimpse Lyla, who was trailing a fingertip from one end of her magnificent chest to the other, gazing at Coralie longingly.

"Shit," said Coralie, unable to control the wetness beginning to gather in her underwear. Chester's erection, Lyla's boobs, the dimmed lights, the sex-scented air... it all urged her to say fuck it, to cave. To give in. Wasn't that what she'd come for?

Scratch the itch, satisfy the urge... and move on.

"Um, so..." She let her purse fall to the ground and scratched her scalp. "How does this... um... work?"

Chester smirked as he walked backwards. "She'll explain."

On cue, Lyla moved forward, every step languorous and ladylike and hot. Delicate and sassy at the same time, she roamed as if wearing the highest of heels, though she was barefoot. "First, you remove your dress, so I can see what I'm working with." She approached carefully, like a lioness inspecting the horizon, searching for her prey. She smelled like peaches and cream, and up close, Coralie noticed her eyes were green like Chester's, but darker, more penetrating, more dangerous.

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