Natalie skipped to the couch, where all my equipment was at, and sat there patiently.
She patted a spot right next to her on the couch, motioning me to sit there.

I looked over, then came over and slowly lowered myself onto the couch, sitting right next to her.

"How've you been?" She asked me.
"Good. You've been doing well?"
"Mm, hmm."

I focused back my attention on my holographic screen again, reviewing all my studies and work.

"Crypto, what are you working on?"

I could tell she was looking at me, but I kept my face facing the screen direction.

"Work. Nothing special."

She was about to say something, then stopped. After a few moments she spoke up.

"Why don't you take a break, you're always buszy. I have my own work too but you need to have some fun szometimes."

"Maybe." I said. She was now scooting closer, and I could feel her legs touching mine.

"Um..." she mumbled to herself, then speaking up. "Can I sit on your lap?"
I slightly blushed. I didn't want to admit it to her, but I would like that a lot.
"Ugh.." I began.
"Well, zen I can just rest my head against your legs?"
"S-sure." I said, stumbling over my words. I was still nervous around Wattson whenever she showed affection. It made me feel uncomfortable since I was so unused to it, yet I wanted more and more of it.

I looked down at my lap and saw her rest her head against my legs, looking up at me, then smiling and giggling.

I took one hand away from my holo-keyboard, and started tickling Wattson under her chin. She started to giggle way more chaotically then she usually did.

"C-crypto! Stop! T-that- tee-hee-THAT TICKLES!!"

I kept tickling her. Behind her ear and under her chin, she was unable to grab a hold of my hand. I kept doing it, ignoring her countless efforts of trying to stop me.

"Natalie, you need to be quiet, the other legends may hear us."

"You stop first!"


I pulled my hand back... Natalie bit it. I looked at my hand, then back at her. Thankfully it wasn't bleeding, just hurt.

"Oh-I-I'm sorry Crypto please don't be mad I-I..."
"It's nothing." I said. I didn't want to start an argument.
"I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to go on that long."
"Here..." Wattson said. She grabbed my left hand, and took my thumb where she bit, and put it closer to her. "I'll make it better." She put my thumb in her mouth, and I could feel her licking around it inside her mouth.

"W-what are you doing?" I said.
"Mmfph... helping ze pain go away silly."

I looked down on her, she looked so cute. I never though I would use that word as often as now.

It was true, I was tired of my work. I'm sure everything will turn out fine, I'm always ahead in it anyways.

"Mmhm... Yes?"
"Can-can I rest with you on the couch?"
Her eyes lit up.
"You mean cuddling?"
"Um... I think so. Yeah."
"Yess." She said with excitement.

I turned off my screen and pushed it away, also taking off my jacket, while Natalie took off her big electric coat.

I stopped sitting down, and laid myself facing sideways on my couch. The room still dark, only dim light.
Wattson, still in her electrical suit got off the couch, stripping from her hood, and coat since it would get in the way.

I then saw her elegant body make it's way towards me. She rested alongside the couch, in front of me. Also facing sideways. I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her. It felt nice just being able to feel her. She then switched facing away from my direction, to facing directly at me. Are faces were only inches away from each other. We were so close to each other, and had a tight grip onto one another. She brought her face even closer to me, and now we were touching. She brought me in for yet another kiss. I grabbed Natalie from her back, and brought her as close to my body as possible.
We laid there holding each other tightly, making out.

We kept making out for what felt like about 8 minutes. I wasn't paying attention to the time that much. I lost track of time, any worried I had disappeared. I couldn't remember what we had to do very soon too. But the worry left, the only thing that mattered to me right now was Natalie's warm affection.


A shed of light beamed down from the doorway, my room still dark despite the shaft of light. I became extremely alarmed. I locked my door, but how? They didn't even knock.

Natalie, who was now sitting on top of me, but fully clothed, looked up at the door. Her face extremely red. I couldn't tell what was happening.

"I'd hate to interrupt... but the drop ships are leaving in a few minutes."

I could tell who's voice that was: Wraith.

"Renee! T-this isn't what it looks like!"
"It's ok, Natalie, there's nothing be ashamed about. I already knew this whole time." Wraith said.
"But how?"
"Crypto was asleep in your bed last night."
Natalie blushed, while still sitting on top of me.
"You guys need to go now, there's no time for this."
She slammed the door shut.
"Natalie, are you ok?" I asked.
"Mm, hmm." She mumbled softly.
She looked a bit hurt, and didn't say anything for a bit. "I love you." She said while still sat on my lap.
I paused for a brief moment, looking into her eyes.
"I love you too Natalie."
She kissed me on the cheek, then hopped off of me and put on her coat and hood.
"I-I'll meet you there ok?" Natalie said.
"Oh, ok."

She walked out of the room first, gently closing the door behind me.
I'm not sure how today's match would turn out, I couldn't tell if Natalie needed some space either.

. . .

Wattson x CryptoWhere stories live. Discover now