Flashback Chapter

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Note This happens after the first chapter.

Kakashi's P.O.V So how long has this been going on. Oh a few years rin why didnt you tell me this? This is serious if it's been going for a few years also tell me one time that its happened.

Rin's P.O.V O-ok *Flashback to a few weeks before she moved out*  Ugh I don't feel good I need to stop throwing up what little food I eat I wish I could kill that bastard but then I'd be no worse than him. Oh great he's drunk again I hope he doesn't come in here because I can't fight him today I'm just too weak *end flashback because i'm lazy also it might get too violent even for a mature rated story also rin told kakashi that whole day*

Kakashi's P.O.V  I didn't know it was that bad I mean I knew you foster dad was awful but hitting you especially if he doesn't feed you and if you were weak. No no you're not always weak rin. No I didnt mean it like that i mean at your home you feel weak.  Also rin i will kill him.

Rin's P.O.V Kakashi I will make this crystal clear I do not want my foster father dead however I don't want to see him in this village or around me again. *lays on kakashi's lap* You're so warm kakashi. 

Kakashi's P.O.V Ok rin so minato sensei has banished the family from the village is there anything else I can do to make you feel good ah some food also would tea be good oh ok so I need two cups of tea and two sugars *after brewing the tea* So rin are you enjoying the tea?

*notices some scars on her arms* Rin what are those scars *grabs rin* Rin tell me what those are.

*surprised exclamation point* I will not repeat myself so please let me know what the scars are. Y-you did this yourself rin if I know everything I can erase the pain.  It made you feel better! Rin you are hurting yourself i think I can make it stop. If you stop cutting I will show you my face but only after one week. *end chapter*

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