"Are you okay?" Kendra asked as her eyebrow rose. Melanie smirked and shook her head yes.

"I'm perfectly fine. I have a question and a weird problem though." Kendra waited for her to continue. "So I had a dream last night about this mysterious boy and then he comes to the shop today and orders a coffee then leaves. I swear it was him too. What do I do?"

Kendra looked at her best friend and thought deeply about it. "You could always see if he comes back; you never know it may happen."

Melanie nodded her head in agreement. "What if this is like destiny calling, like we're supposed to be together? It could happen." There was a pause on Kendra's side.

"All I'm saying is that I want you to be careful, he could be a bad kind of person." Melanie nodded her head. "And please don't do anything stupid."


A few days had passed, and Melanie was becoming restless. She was just about to give up hope, until she heard the bell ring. Her head rose up and her eyes widened and she smiled.

He sat down in a chair and looked around. Quickly, Melanie made his drink and walked it over to him. She froze just before getting there and he saw her.

His eyebrow raised and his lips formed at tight line. "I didn't order anything yet."

Sweat was forming on the back of Melanie's palm. "I know." That was all she could say. She still handed him the drink. He took a sip and looked at her questionably.

He didn't know what she wanted. "Thank you." his voice was lingering.

"You're welcome Shawn." Just then she stopped but it was too late, he had heard her.

"How do you know my name?' His face looked like a variety of emotions were being placed on it.

Melanie looked at him without saying a word. All she was thinking about were her sweating palms and the guy in front of her. "This is going to sound really weird, but I had a dream and you were in it."

Shawn didn't say anything for a moment; he was too lost in his thoughts. "That is weird."

He stood up and looked at her, without saying a word, and left. Melanie was confused beyond belief. What had just happened to her? She didn't seem to know that answer.

Another week had passed and Melanie still hadn't seen Shawn. She figured it was just the weirdness that she had told him she dreamed about him, but maybe there was more to the picture.

On Thursday, Melanie made her way across the street and to the library. It was silent, just the way she liked it in there. That's when she saw him. He was wearing a dark blue shirt and reading some mysterious novel.

"Is that a good book?" Melanie asked. Shawn looked up to see her and froze. He shrugged his shoulders, not saying a word.

"Well that's cool." Melanie rocked her feet back and forth standing right in front of him.

Shawn looked back at her. "I'm sorry if I was so rude last week. I just was very busy, and needed to get some things done. Shawn Palmer." He extended his hand out to her.

"Melanie McAdams." She smiled and shook his hand. There was no shock, nothing special, just ordinary.

"So what do you like to do Melanie?" his voice was light, but there was something hidden deep into it.

She smiled widely, forgetting the suspicion. "Well, I only have one friend and she's practically my sister, I love her, and on Thursdays I love going to the library and settling down with a good book. Yourself?"

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