Part Two

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I tried not to pout as I looked out the window of North’s Jeep. The boys had rushed me through breakfast and then hustled me out and into whichever car was closest. We were only taking two vehicles and Victor had explained that where we were going couldn’t be reached by car which is probably why we headed in the direction of a small and exclusively private airstrip.

I looked over at North, “Did Victor have to pay for a plane?”

He and those in the back seat laughed, “Of course not, Pookie. We’re just borrowing his parents.”

I twisted in my seat to stare back at him, Gabriel and Silas, “They OWN a plane?” I wasn’t sure why I was surprised considering the level I of their wealth; they only seemed content to have the best and most expensive possessions.

“Sure they do, Aggele,” Silas grinned at me and winked.

Gabriel just gave me a frowning once over, “Why did I let you pick out your own clothes?”

I finally let my lip stick out, “Because you were a meanie and didn’t tell where we’re going for the weekend?”

He pointed, “Stick that fucking lip back in.” He looked away, “Definitely trouble.”

“Meanie,” I griped with a grin before turning back around in my chair to only gape as we headed through the gates of the air field and sped further down the smooth road.

I spotted a shed close by and bounced in my seat, “Is the plane in there?”

I’d never been in a plane before and was both excited and nervous. What exactly had they planned for the weekend? I knew that I was going to love it just because they were all going to be there with me but I still couldn’t help but want to know beforehand.

 “Oooh,” I murmured and tried to spot some small detail that would clue me into our destination but all I could see was the long tarred runway and service people running around.

The car in front of us pulled to a stop at the entrance of the garage and I saw the rest of my boys pile out. All except for Mr Blackbourne shifted with impatience and waved at me through the windscreen as North stopped and put the Jeep into park.

My door opened while I was still busy trying to unclip myself and I looked to the right to spot Nathan standing there with an indulgent grin. “You ready for this, Peanut?”

I returned the smile with an even bright one of my own, “Yes and no.”

His face fell slightly as he lifted me from the seat, “What do you mean, no?”

I poked at him for jumping to a negative conclusion, “I’ve never been on a plane before,” I gave him a duh stare, “I’m just a little bit nervous.”

We were surrounded by the other eight as they began to lead me toward the shed. I tried to get Nathan to put me down but he just shook his head and kept on walking. I crossed my arms and looked at the others who were mostly watching me with relaxed expressions.

Kota’s seemed contemplative and he finally clued me into his thoughts, “There’s no need to worry about the flight. Statistically planes are safer than cars and people are more likely to die when on the roads.” He smiled and I stared at him in astonishment. That was meant to reassure me?

North bravely chopped Kota on the head, “Way to go there. Make her even more nervous. If you keep going, she’ll be making a run for it.”

“What?” Kota asked with bewilderment, “What did I say?”

I began to giggle and the others all joined in; even Mr Blackbourne gave me a smile that was slightly larger than his usual millimetre.

“Nu uh, Pookie,” Dr Green wagged his finger and led the way into the hanger, “None of that or we’ll have the pilots giggling all the way there instead of flying the plane.”

I scoffed. My laugh was not THAT contagious.

I looked around the space in awe. There were three aircraft side by side and I admired their size and the presence that they had. They might be considered more jets but even I knew that they were on the larger and more expensive scale.

We were really going to be flying one of these?

“The look on your face,” Victor shook his face with a happy and relieved smile, “I’m glad you like our plans so far.”

I giggled back at him, ignoring the playful look from Dr Green, “I’d like them even more if you’d clue me in.”

They laughed at my suggestion and I saw Mr Blackbourne shake his head at us all before he walked off.

“Let’s go, Peanut,” Nathan started off again in the direction of the largest of the planes and I tried to curb the butterflies in my stomach.

There’s no reason to be nervous, Sang! I scolded myself.

There was no hesitation from anyone as Victor led the way up the ladder into the plane.

I peered around and gasped. The interior was even more intimidating then the outside. It was extravagantly beautiful with lush fabrics covering the double seats and gleaming woods. Glancing over Nathan’s shoulder as he headed further in, I saw that there were large built-in television screens on both sides.

I’d never expected to be flying around when I’d woken up and never in something so ornate. It was wonderful.

A One For All Holiday - Attachment to All For One (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon