Watch Out

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(HavenPeace): I don't know what your talking about

(JacobGoGetter): of course you don't, you never do I'm just gonna have to jog your memory one day ;)

(HavenPeace): Ha, I think not

(JacobGoGetter): oh yeah I forgot, you go with that weird ass ...doggy right?

(HavenPeace): shut your ass Jacob you know exactly what his name is and yes I am

(JacobGoGetter): I can care less about that fag and his name..I still can't believe he's managed to keep you as long as he has and I don't give a damn how long he can keep a relationship, in my eyes that nigga's a dog for life...fuckin man hoe!

Jacob hates Daniel with all his soul because before me and Daniel started dating he always cheated on Jacob's best friend Laurena when he was dating her and she would always go back to him but the one time he had one of his side girls and her friends to jump Laurena because it was said that "He didn't want anything to do with her anymore"..or that's what was said. Jacob was so pissed he wanted to kill Daniel right after he found out. I don't believe that story, I mean the whole cheating part I believe because he admitted to it but the whole jumping? Nah that's not like my Daniel to do that. He's so sweet and honest. He regrets cheating, he's against it and said he will never do something like that again and I trust him. So for Jacob to talk as much shit as he does pisses me off , like he's never messed up before .. that niggahs not perfect!!!!!!!!!

(HavenPeace) Don't fuckin talk about him like that your just mad that he's better than you and that he can actually KEEP HIS GIRL UNLIKE YOU!!! you don't know him so keep your damn mouth shut!

(JacobGoGetter) but I do know him and I can say you better keep a watch on that punk ass because a player doesn't change within a few months remember that Haven.

JacobGoGetter Has Logged Off

ahhhh whatever , I'm tired of his bullshit like why does he care I'm sure he has a girl out there he just needs to worry about her and leave me be.


Man I'm over her, why even try to help. I mean I really don't need her and her love blind ass. I got my bestfriend Nirvana (yes she has the same name as one of my favorite bands) and my future, Trina.

Trina's everything you can ask for in a girl. She's confident and sexy and Man she got some curves. The only down fall to her is she can get a bad attitude and shes lowkey easy but hey, a person gets tired of chasing females left and right. Hopefully I can make her mine by my birthday.


Its been 2 weeks since I've talked to Jacob but its cool I don't need him, I went nearly a year without talking to him and I'm sure I can do it again. It really doesn't matter anyway cuz I got my Daniel back. He came over with flowers last week and told me how much he missed me and needs me. I let him stay for a while that night while my mom was out of town. Things got a little heated after a while..well not too heated.

I'm still a virgin and plan on staying that way till marriage or at least until I feel its the right time with the right person, but my plans are till marriage. Anywhos, I'm waiting for my bestfriend Nirvana to call me and tell me when she's ready to go so I can pick her up to go dress shopping for our graduation in a week.

( yes Nirvana is also Jacobs bestfriend I met her through him i'll tell you how we met later)


*Honk Honnnkkkk* LET'S GO NIRVANA!!!!!

*Nirvana comes out the house and gets in the car*

"Calm your tits chica we have all the time in the world" she said while putting her seatbelt on.

"Yeah hoe that's true but you text me tryna rush me talkin bout you ready" I said puttin my ghetto side into action, she just laughed and we were on our way.


"AHHHHH I can't find anything!!!!!!!" I said getting frustrated. I could never find anything I like when I'm looking for it, only when Im not trying and don't have money.

" That's becauase we haven't been in any good stores yet..oohhh ooohh let's go in Tameras (A.N: idk if this is real its the first thing I thought of lol) they always have nice things and for cheap too!!" she grabbed my hand and half ran to the store as if they were gonna sell out all their items in 10 seconds, this girl was filled with energy.

We went inside the store and instantly my eyes landed on this beautiful spring dress. it was overall a white strapless dress it had a thick silky black belt right beneath the chest and at the near bottom of the dress had the colors turquoise, ocean blue, and black that blended together in that order as it reached the bottom of the dress.It wasn't a puffy dress but it wasn't a mermaid fit either, it was somewhere inbetween, I just hope it will look good on me. By the time I came back to reality Nirvana had picked out 8 dresses.

"uhhh Nirvana I'm gonna go try this one on" I said as I grabbed the dress and made my way to the dressing room

"Ok ill be right here figuring out which one I should try on first..there all sooooo beautiful!!!" she said admiring them all.

After trying on the dress I walked out searching for Nirvana. I feel like this looks wrong on me. If this isn't good enough I'm done looking, I'm just gonna wear some jeans chucks and a white shirt, real shit.

I looked around to find either a mirror or Nirvana but she seemed to find me first because all I heard was a huge gasp."AHHHHHHHHHHHH *gasp* you look so beautiful...l I'M GONNA CRY" she said while fanning her eyes, this girl is a drama queen, she's just as bad as me haha.

"DON'T LIE!!!" I screamed as my anxiety grew while searching for a mirror. she must have known what I was looking for because she grabbed my hand and led me to one.  

I Actually looked good. The dress was beautiful, it complimented my curves perfectly and made my dark Carmel skin tone pop, it was perfect..My perfect dress.


Sorry this chapter is so short I had to hurry and write as much as I could cuz Schools tomorrow..I hate Monday's, I'm sure we all do but anywho ill try to update as soon as possible so leave comments on what you think and please vote. Thanks for reading


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