Chapter 2 What The Hell Is Wrong With Me

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I push the door open to the class room and walk in and sit next to Hide

K- hey Hide how was your last class

H- it was okay you know i hate the teacher

the teacher walks in and we trun to face the teacher.

i sit in my desk bord wanting to talk to Hide but i knew i couldnt becuase we would get in trouble.

teacher: okay class now you have the rest of the block to paint or draw anything you want remember have fun.

H: dude wanna work with me we can paint each other

K: sure you paint me first

H: okay dude stay where you are

Hide gets a canvas and some paint and sets up everything and starts to paint. Hide paints for about 15 minutes and finishes.

H: okay dude look at it

i get up and walk over and start to laugh

K: so i have a big nose and big ears

H: you know i suck at art

K: then why did you sign up for the class

H: becuase your in it

i blush and look away.

K: what about literature class

H: becuase your in that class and i get to study with you

K: oh okay well class is almost ove, so lets clean up the mess and then leave

H: okay

me and Hide clean up and the bell rings for our last class which is a very short class it only thirty minutes long. me and Hide walk to class and get to the class room and sit in our desks which face each other since me and him are partners.

H: so what book are we going to read today Kaneki

K: hmmmmmm i was thinking of a poem i found

H: hmmmmm okay then read it to me

i smile and look at the poem and start to read it.

K: Our life in this world -

to what shall I compare it?

Its like an echo

resounding through the mountains

and off into the empty sky.

H: wow that was good

K: ya so what do you want to read now Hide

H: i want to read gon the little fox

i cover my mouth trying not to laugh

K: you know thats a kids book right

H: y yes i know its a kid book

K: im sorry go ahead read it

Hide nods and starts to read the book aloud right when Hide finished reading the bell rings for school to end. me and Hide looked at eachother and smiled and got up and left the school.

*i hope you liked it i am doing my best this is my first time writing a fanfic so comment if you like it and remember this anime is TOKYO GHOUL WHICH IS AN AWESOME ANIME*

Tokyo Ghoul Fan Fiction kaneki x HideUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum