Chapter 1 ~ butterflies

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Kayla Clemonte

I can't believe it, my first year at Hogwarts has finally come. Yes, I'll be starting at year 4, but I am hoping I will fit in just right. I get distracted by the large, beaming, shiny red train that stands upon me as I arrive at the platform 9 and 3/4. After a couple minutes of dead staring, I realize the train is about to take off without me. I rush myself onto the train, and hope to find an empty cart somewhere. I am strolling through the long, slim hallways, as I bump into a tall, platinum blonde boy. He looks quite familiar actually . . . weird. 

"Hey, watch it you mud blood."

Well hello to you too! "I'm actually a pure blood, thank you. And you must be?" Man is he a gorgeous boy. Definitely a Slytherin.

"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

He reaches his vein filled hand out to mine, as a freeze in my position "I'm Kayla Clemonte. I'm new here."

"Oh, a newbie huh?" he snickered.

"Yeah, now shove off and enjoy the ride," I shove past him. Ugh, what a jerk. 

I take a seat on the blue, cloth covered seats. I pull out my book and start reading, for a while. Now and there I take glances out of the window, out in to the beautiful view. All of a sudden, the sky goes grey. In the matter of seconds, everything turns like ice, and the train takes a sudden stop. I take a peek out of my cart, and see a dark black figure. The figure scrolls right past me, as if I weren't there. What just happened? 

~2 hours later~

The train had gotten working, but this time it started getting slower by the second. I look out the window, just to see such an amazing castle ahead of me. As i nervously rush off of the train, I manage to bump into a group of 3 people.

"Woah there," says a long, brown haired girl.

"Oh, I am so sorry, it's my first year here!" 

"That is quite alright . . ."

"Oh! Um, my name is Kayla!"

"Hello Kayla, I'm Hermione Granger, this is Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter.

NO. WAY. THE Harry POTTER? "Wait, like Harry Potter, the son of James and Lilly Potter?" This boy was like, a prodigy in my hometown, I cannot believe I am actually standing face to face with him.  

"That is me, alright." he laughs.

He's kind of cute, and so is Ron. Well, I have a feeling this will be a good year.

We talk for a little while as we are all rolling our carts, getting ready to cross the lake to Hogwarts. All of a sudden, the 4 of us hear a somewhat demonic laugh come out from behind us.

"Already making friends with the bad possy huh, Clemonte?" ugh, Malfoy. 

"What's the problem. Just shove off, Malfoy." Ron sneered back.

I gave him a glance, as he was already staring at me. He quickly looks away as our eyes meet. His eyes were like shiny silver balls, sparkling in the sky. Wait, why am I thinking this? Focus, Kayla, Focus. 

After a little while, we all get off of our boats, and head to the dining hall where all the first years and new students will be sorted into their house. I will be glad to get ANYTHING but Slytherin. Being a Slytherin would make me feel like an evil person, just because of the cruel people that is in it. After a couple of students had went up, Dumbledore called my name.

"Kayla, Clemonte?" 

As I nervously walked up and sat down on the stool, my eyes immediately met with Malfoy's. He looked at these group of people, and they all started to laugh. I had prayed to myself anythign but Slytherin, anything but Slytherin! The hate spoke out it's words, 

"Hmmmm, I see . . . you are forgiving, loyal, a hardworker, and cunning. Come from a strong family line I see - SLYHTERIN!"

No. Freaking. Way. This just turned into the worst day ever. As my face dropped, Malfoy's rose. Ugh, what a prick. I walkover and take a seat next to a bunch of people. After Dumbledore had made his speech, I had no urge to feed, so I was grazing the room. As I am, my eyes meet with another tall, red haired boy. He was sitting next to what appears to be a twin. We sit there, looking at each other for about 10 seconds, until his brother snapped at him. And in that moment, I felt butterflies.


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