Ice vs Fire

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I was livid then surprised at myself,I was normally pretty cool headed but here I was thinking about murder,"What the hell are you doing? " a pleasant but chilly voice asked I jumped back I was dumdfounded if she had caught my my blazing fist then she was definitely not normal I looked up she was extremely beautiful identical to a procelain doll but in my heart I felt some kind of aversion towards her,"What are doing" she repeated her question "As u can see I'm trying to kill a bunch of dickheads who made my life a living hell" "I don't think so" she said "Oh, What makes u think that" I asked kind of knowing what the answer was going to be ""She dashed at me saying" 'Cause I'm going to stop you " some sort of blue mist accumulated around her plan,in response I moved my left leg back then blocked using my arms which were crossed on my chest when she was about to hit me I stretched my arms then holding her hand I shifted my legs so that her momentum was redirected sideways then leaning backwards I used the redirected momentum to spin using my legs as a pivot this executing my favorite incapaciting attack because she wasn't one of my targets I noticed her face colours her original color was something of white jade then it became pale than paper then it became light green when it became a deeper shade of green i left her hand she flew and landed on her feet a few feet from me she went down on one knee and held her stomach slowly her face reverted back to its original color,her head snapped upwards looking at me like she wanted to eat me "Die bastard" she shouted then pushed her hands forward a pillar of water shot out of her hands I smirked because deep within me I felt as her attacked wasn't lethal when it almost hit me I raised my right leg then stomped launching myself into then air I spread-eagle style,upon landing i ducked under the pillar of water then I dashed at her then using my hand to strike her stomach she flew backward until she hit the wall I smirked and said "Next time when you want to behave like a hero make sure you are strong enough" I turned as she slid down the wall then as I was walking away I felt killing intent directed towards me I jumped sideways but I was a second to late I was lightly grazed I spun around in rage.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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