All the Best Words

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OH. MY. FUCKING. GODS!!! It's as if some people cannot tell the difference between words at all, and it's driving me insane!

Some things to keep in mind when youre writing:

     Woman = one singular adult female

     Women = multiple adult females

     If you're writing a wedding ceremony, the term is, 'by the power vested in me...' Stop fucking using the word 'invested.' Nobody is investing power. The above phrase means that power was granted to whomever so that they may do a thing - in this case, marry two people.

     For the love of all that is cute and fluffy in this world, learn the fucking difference between 'there,' 'their,' and 'they're.' These words ARE NOT interchangeable. While I'm on the subject, 'here' and 'hear' have completely different meanings, as do 'to,' 'too,' and 'two'....this is basic shit, and I can only surmise that people do not properly proof-read their works before publishing. 

     The term is 'at a loss for words,' not 'at a lost for words.'

     If you decide that you want to shorten the words 'could have,' please know that the proper way to write a contraction is "could've" NOT "could of"... This is something I see all the time and it drives be absolutely bonkers, and I see it ALL THE TIME! What the actual fuck, people? I've actually stopped reading multiple stories that I was enjoying because of this.

     Hair can get knotted, or tied in knots. It cannot, however, be in 'nots'.

     Unless you're writing out a series of texts, please do not shorten certain words. Ex: 'though' should not be 'tho.'

     Threw = past tense of the word 'throw'

     Through = to pass from one side to the other (walking through a doorway, for example)

      The correct phrase is "I could not care less" when implying you give precisely zero fucks about whatever...saying "I could care less" implies that you care a lot about that thing.

     Sent = past tense of the word 'send'

     Scent = how something smells

     Maybe = perhaps/possibly. "Maybe I'll get this done today."

     May be = verb phrase. "I may be able to accomplish that on time."

     'Breath' and 'breathe' are not interchangeable. You can take a breath, and you can breathe, BUT you cannot take a breathe, and you cannot breath. I'm not sure if this happens because people honestly don't know there is a difference, or if they're not checking their spelling.


These a just a few of the most-used offences I've come across in my time here. I understand that not everyone has the same level of education, and that some people are still young and inexperienced, and many many people write in English even though it is not their first language. I'm not trying to discourage people from writing, I'm trying to encourage people to become better writers...except I kinda suck at giving constructive criticism, and people usually take it as me just being a bitch. Oh well, that's why I decided to write this.


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