"Yes honey," my mum calls out from the kitchen.

"Mum, I'm just going to put my graduation things in my room then I'm off to the diner."

"Oh ok honey. Are you meeting any friends there?"

"No, just grabbing a treat for graduating."

"That sounds lovely dear-"

"No boys!" My father shouts from the living room.

"Don't worry dad," I call back.

I head upstairs to my room, place my cloak, hat and pen on my bed. Searching around in my closet I finally find a dress a had been saving for special occasions. It's a beautiful knee length, blue sleeveless, polka dot dress. Attached is a black bow around the waist and a second one that ties around the neck.

Smiling, I carefully place it on the bed and search for a pair of shoes. Eventually, I stumble across a nice pair of red shoes with a small heel and matching bow.

I get changed and slip on the shoes. For my hairstyle I decide to go with a side hair flip curled.

People usually don't like h/c's having their hair out, but tonight I don't care. I grab my favourite black bag, fling it over my shoulder and begin to apply makeup.

I lightly tint my eyebrows, add a little bit of mascara and eyeshadow, then some cherry red lipstick.

I head downstairs and I'm met by a huge hug and smile from my mum.

"Darling you look gorgeous."

"You do look stunning, but you'll attract boys!" dad calls out.

"Thanks dad!"

"Darling, don't worry about him. Hang out with whoever you want. As long as they treat you like a queen. Just use protection," she whispers.

"Mum?!" I say shocked.

"Honey, go have fun," she chuckles, shooing me away.
"Remember curfew is 10, but.......since it's a special night....I'll make it 11."

"Thanks mum," I say hugging her.
"I love you guys!" I shout as I hop into my car.

I love my car dearly. My parents had saved up so much money to buy it as a gift for my 16th birthday.

I head off around the block towards the diner. I could've walked, but a girl walking two blocks by herself, on the streets at 7:30pm, is not a good thing. I pull up at Pop's and head inside.

"Hey y/n!"

"Hey Pop, how are ya?" I ask the owner as I take a seat on a stool at the counter.

"I'm doing fine thank you, y/n. How was graduation?"

Pop was the nice old man who ran the dinner, so did generations before him.

"It was absolutely amazing, thanks for asking."

"So, just the usual?"

"Yes please."

As I sit and wait, I realise the dinner is packed with people from graduation. I start subconsciously scanning the crowd, for whom I'm not quite sure.

"Here ya go. One small chocolate milkshake and a small fries."

"Thanks Pop," I say, reaching into my bag to pay the usual.

"Oh, no," he chuckles.
"It's on the house."

"Thank you," I beam.

"So, why were you scanning the crowd before? Looking for anyone?"

The Future Awaits (Bucky female x reader)Where stories live. Discover now