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"Taeyong I want you to be on your best behavior, don't give Mrs. Suh any trouble ok?" my mother said as she held my hand.

"I'll be on my best behavior mom, I have to go before I miss my flight." I hugged and kissed my mother's cheek before I sped off.

I embarked on the plane and sat in my seat, fortunate for me. I was able to get a window seat. I put on my ear buds and shuffled my playlist,

"this is going to be a long flight." I sighed.

/// Johnny pov///

"uh mom, when did you say the international kid was going to come?" I asked.

"in a wee- oh my god! Its today! I forgot! Oh my oh my!" my mom said as she paced back and forth.

"Johnny please pick him up,  still need to fix his room, cook a-and-"

"don't worry mom, I'll go get him, just calm down." I said as I grabbed her car keys.

"ill be back."

"take your time coming back, ok?" my mom yelled.

Johnny walked out his home and unlocked the car with a click of a button. He sat in the driver's seat and started the car, before driving off. The ride to the airport took around an hour or so, Johnny parked his car in the garage. I got out the car and locked it, I checked my phone to see I received a message from my mom.

"Taeyong should be exiting from west gate 12, at 4pm."

"huh, 4." I look down at my phone" 4:04...oh fuck."

I began to sped walk out the garage, once I made it inside the airport I started took for 'west gate' I quickly found it and began to run toward its direction. It didn't take long to reach gate 12. I sat down and waited for a bit, realization hit me. How the fuck does this international kid look like. I hurriedly called my mom,

"hello?" 'mom, can you send me a picture of the kid?" I asked. 'oh, yea! Sorry about that, I forgot to send it too you." "I sent it bye!."

My mom said before ending the call. I opened my messages and clicked on the photo. I sucked in a breath,

"he's beautiful."

I thought to myself. I looked away and began to search and I found him, He was standing near the window, he was dressed in a oversized sweater, and a bucket hat to top it all off. He had a distraught look plastered on his face, and fuck it made him look cuter.

// Taeyong pov///

I fiddled with my sweaters paw as I looked around.

"Lee Taeyong?"

a deep voice said next to me. I turned around and looked up. I was met by a smiling handsome giant.

"y-yes." I squeaked out I Korean.

"ah, I'm guessing you only speak Korean. I'm Johnny, Mrs. Suh's son.' He said in Korean, bowing as he did so. 

I bowed in response.

"do need help with your luggage?"

Johnny asked looking at my suit cases. I nodded, he took both large suit cases leaving me with my little luggage and my backpack. He led me out of the airport and into the car garage. The drive there was quiet, I didn't mind as I preferred it this way. I was falling asleep, until

"we're here."

I heard Johnny say and he parked the car and turned off the engine. I unbuckled my seat belt and got out. Johnny opened the trunk and took out the suit cases. We headed inside.


a women's voice yelled out my name, I saw engulfed into a hug. "hello Mrs. Suh!" I said in response as I hugged her back.

"you don't have to call me Mrs. Call me mom" Mrs. Suh said moving to side to close the door.

"Johnny take Taeyong to his room, please." She said as she went back into the kitchen.

Johnny hummed and began to walk away, I followed behind taking a look at all the photos on display.

"here's your room, my room is to your left and my mother is on the right and the restroom is down the hall near." He said pointing to each room.

I nodded, I checked out the room. It was small but big enough for me, it had two windows and it was lit by natural like.

"just my type." I said chuckling at the thought. "

I'm going to leave these here, oh and my mom's making dinner"

Johnny said placing my luggage's near the door, before heading downstairs. I left the door ajar and began to unpack, I was a bit tired but might as well get it over with.


I turned around as I heard soft knocking,

"dinners ready." Johnny said before leaving.

I got up and went down stairs.

"I made kimchi, noodles, samgyeopsal and so much!" Mrs. Suh said clasping her hands.

"alrighty boys sit down, lets eat!" she said as she began to pick things onto her plate.

Dinner was delicious, I felt so full after it. I began to get drowsy.

"Taeyong I also bought ice cream!"

once I heard ice cream I snapped back into my sense's.

"really?" I asked excited.

"I'll get it." Johnny said as he got up to the fridge.

"you like strawberry right?" he asked.


"why don't we watch a movie?" Mrs. Suh said.

I nodded.

"I'll go put one on, hope ya'll don't mind a horror movie!" she said as she ran to the living room.

I gulped horror? I began to shake, not horror.

"you coming?" I heard johnny asked.

"y-yes." I said as I followed behind him.

Mrs. Suh sat on the sofa, that left the couch for me and johnny to share.

"I'm going to turn the lights off ok?" Mrs. Suh said as she turned them off.

I trembled. I hate the dark, as the movie continued, I would hide my face or scream at the jump scares.

"are you ok?" johnny whispered to me,

I shook my head. I felt warm arms circle around my waist before being lifted towards Johnny.

"you can hug me if you need too." Johnny said as he turned his attention back to the movie.

I was hesitant to hold onto him, I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. Those precautions flew out the window as a dark hallway appeared on screen. I immediately grabbed onto Johnny's arm, I buried my face into it.

"its ok Taeyong." Johnny said as he squeezed my thigh. The tiredness from the flight consumed me and I ended up falling asleep on Johnny.

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