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It was a normal day at Hogwarts. McGonagall has recently accepted a newspaper brand to write about Hogwarts, though she doesn't know who wrote it.

One morning, Harry woke up to reading the newspaper. His jaw dropped after seeing what's on the front page. "Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter secretly DATING?!" He wanted to smack whoever wrote this newspaper. He looked at Draco who is covering his face with his palm. This is a nightmare, truly.

Ron noticed that Harry was looking uncomfortable.

"What's wrong mate?" he asked.

Harry showed him the newspaper.

Ron choked on his food, "The BLOODY HELL IS THIS?!"

"Calm down, it's not true, it's just a stupid rumor," Harry said.

The rumor traveled quickly. People are whispering here and there when Harry and Draco passed the hallway. Draco doesn't like this and would usually run while covering his face. Harry has never had feelings for Draco, but he thought that if he pretends that the rumors are true, Draco would stop bothering him.

The next time they walked past each other, the whispers start coming.

"Hey babe," Harry smiled.

People started fangirling and freaking out. Draco quickly blushed and looked away, running away as fast as he could.

After a few days of Harry calling Draco "babe" in the hallways, Draco finally had it. Two can play that game.

"Morning babe," Harry said.

"Morning," Draco smirked.

This shocked everyone, including Harry. He's never said "hey" or "morning" back to Harry. Draco wanted to see how Harry reacts. Is he going to react casually or run away? Harry just blushed and smiled at Draco, slowly walking towards Hermione who is smiling very widely because of what happened.

"Merlin's beard, Harry," Hermione said.

"Shut up, Hermione," Harry smiled.

"You're so red mate," Ron said from behind him.

"I'm leaving," Harry said.

Because of that incident, people are 100% sure that they're dating. They became the most popular couple in Hogwarts just in a few weeks. People want more than just "Morning"s and "Hey"s. So they planned to get them to kiss. After that incident, Draco never said anything back to Harry, he just smiles every time.

When they were walking down the hallway, people started cornering them. Pansy winked at Draco and Draco knew what she meant. Just in a few seconds, Draco and Harry are in a circle, students are gathering. People started chanting, "KISS! KISS!" They both looked the other way, blushing. Harry doesn't know what to do, he can't get out of the situation.

Draco was covering his face with his palms when he noticed Pansy in the crowd. Pansy mouthed, "Please do it, for me," and smiled. Draco turned to Harry.

Finally, Harry said, "Draco and I aren't actually da-" when Draco pulled him by the collar.

"Scared, Potter?" he smirked.

He then leaned in to kiss Harry on the lips. They can hear people cheering. Harry felt his heartbeat going faster. They both enjoyed it. In Draco's mind, he's thanking Pansy for writing that newspaper.

This is a pretty short fanfic, sorry about that. I hope yall enjoy it.,

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