Mark/Mads: im sorry

Mark: your sorry?

Me: yeah look I shouldn't have called you like that on that night, I wasn't thinking straight and it wasn't fair to you.

I say sitting back

Mark: I was happy when I saw your name buzzing on my phone

He then looks down

Me: Well I guess you weren't too happy when you picked up...

Mark: yeah

He quietly says

Mark: I just wanted to apologize, I didn't mean to come here and destroy what you have with Castano

Me: you sure about that

I joke

Mark: still debating

We both laugh

Me: Look Mark, I love you...

He looks up at me the second those words come out of my mouth

Me: ... but I have a boyfriend who I also love very much even though he can kinda be... besides the point all I'm saying is that you can't come between Mar and I cause at the end of the day it's gonna be Mar and it will always be Mar.

I could see the sadness in his eyes

Me: that doesn't mean we can't be friends

I say hoping to get a smile, in which he fakes and then looks sad again

Mark: I don't know

Me: you don't know if you want to be friends?

I ask

Mark: I don't know if I want to torture myself

He says getting up

Mark: guys lets go

He tells the boys and Luca and Maximo leave, I get up and face Mark and hug him he holds me tight and let's go

Mark: I love you too

And he leaves, I don't think I'll be hearing from him anytime soon. Considering that sounded like a goodbye.


It's now 8:00 pm so I head to Samys where they're all hanging out. I head upstairs to see Mattia once again avoiding Vanessa, Michelle and Kairi actually getting along, Samy and Taylor on the bed, Ale on his phone and...

Me: wheres Mar

Michelle: he never left the field

Me: well...

Vanessa: just go we get it were not your favourites

She jokes, I laugh and then I leave, I pull up to the school seeing that the parking lot is empty I then head towards the field seeing Mar sit on the bleachers looking like he's lost in his thoughts.

Mars Pov


Mads: Can we just talk

Me: there's nothing to talk about

I say quietly looking at Mads

Mads: well you seem bothered

I am

Me: I'm not

I mumble again

Mads: you are

Yeah well no fucking shit your dickface of an ex pulls up and thinks he has the right to be all touchy with you and you don't seem to see it n ur my mamas, not his

Playing with fireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon