Amie spent the afternoon that day with Hermione, going through some notes they had prepared for Hagrid's case with Buckbeak. They were going down with it to him before dinner.
"How are you holding up?" Amie asked catiously. Hermione had been very edgy lately; all of her homework and Ron being angry at her was tearing Hermione down. As if to prove Amie right, Hermione's eyes grew glassy.
"I -- I'm fine," she said, but of course Amie didn't believe her. She sat down next to Hermione and wrapped her up in a hug. Hermione started crying, and soon she had told Amie about all of her worries. She worried for Harry because of Sirius, she had been very scared when Ron almost got stabbed, and her homework was reaching a point she couldn't stand. Amie stroked her back and muttered soothing words.
"It's gonna be okay, 'Mione. Ron's fine, and he'll come around soon. No one's going to kill Harry." Hermione only sobbed more at that, so Amie shut up. After about ten more minutes, Hermione's tears stopped, so Amie decided it was time to leave the library.
"Come on, it's almost dinner. Let's head down to Hagrid with this." she gestured to all the papers they had been working on. Hermione nodded, and a small smile tugged at her lips.

After they had been to give Hagrid the papers -- he was very happy for them -- they went back to the castle and ate dinner. Ron and Harry were there, too, but Amie and Hermione sat far away to avoid confrontations. Hermione was still awfully disturbed, but Amie's presence kept her from crying.
"You go on to the common room, I have something to take care of," Amie said as they exited the Great hall. Hermione nodded and left. As soon as she disappeared from view, Amie ran all the way down to the lake and in through the trees.
"Sirius! Sirius!" she hissed.
"Finally decided to show up, did you?" he said as he stepped out from behind a tree.
"I'm sorry, it would look suspicious if I went down here all the time." Amie apologized.
"I'm only joking, calm down," Sirius smiled.
"Here you are, I bet you're starving," Amie said as she took out lots of food from her enlarged pocket. She was quiet as Sirius ate, but he ate really quickly, so she didn't have long to wait before she could talk to him.
"It was really stupid coming up there again, you know," she said, her eyes narrowed. "Why can't you talk to me before you do something like this? Now Neville is in trouble because of you, when you could've just asked me for the password!"
"Sorry, sorry! It was just an opportunity I couldn't miss, not when the cat had brought me the passwords." Sirius said.
"I understand what you're going through, Siri, I really do, but you need to stop being reckless. You can't go up to the castle again,"
Sirius sighed before replying.
"I figured as much. What have they done up there?"
"The Fat Lady is back, but she's got trolls guarding her. There's no way you can get in through the portrait hole, even with you being an animagus and having the passwords." Amie said.
"But there's no point for me to get in there anyway, right? You said Peter escaped."
"He did. But I have no idea where he is." Amie said.
"That's too bad. Well, I'll figure something out. Thanks for dinner."
With that, Sirius transformed back into a dog, and disappeared through the trees.

As Amie was walking through the corridors, heading to Gryffindor tower, she heard a voice.
"Hey! Pssst. Over here!" it hissed. Amie frowned, but walked towards the voice. It was coming from a classroom, and the door was ajar. An eye was peeping through the doorway, a very familiar eye.
"Draco? Is that you? Why are you hiding?"
Draco swung the door open and Amie walked into the classroom. The door was shut after her.
"Aren't we always hiding? No one knows about us." Draco said.
"True, true," Amie agreed. "It's good to see you,"
Draco wrapped his arms around her and planted a kiss on her head.
"I haven't seen you in a while, Ames. What's going on?"
"You know, same old, same old. Quidditch practice, homework, hanging out with my friends."
"You have to make sure you have time for me sometimes too, Amie. I missed you," Draco smiled lovingly at her. Amie grinned back.
"I missed you too,"
Draco kissed her then, and Amie's heart fluttered.


When Amie finally made it to the common room, it was around eight o' clock. Hermione was sitting by a table, studying as usual. She looked up when Amie walked in, though.
"Where were you?" she asked when Amie sat down next to her.
"I met Draco for a bit," Amie replied.
"Oh," Hermione said. "How is he, then?"
"Fine," Amie said. "He's real fine."

When Harry and Ron got back to the common room about an hour later, they went straight to the bulletin board, where there was a big crowd of people.
"Hogsmeade, next weekend!" Ron said excitedly, looking at the board over people's heads. "What d'you reckon?" he added in an undertone to Harry as they went to sit down.
"Well, Filch hasn't done anything about the passage into Honeydukes..." Harry said quietly.
Unfortunately, Amie -- and Hermione -- heard him.
"Harry!" Hermione said, shocked. Harry spun around to look at her, as she cleared the wall of books that had been hiding her and Amie from view.
"Harry, if you go into Hogsmeade again... I'll tell Professor McGonagall about that map!"
"Can you hear someone talking, Harry?" Ron growled, looking anywhere but Hermione.
"Ron, how can you let him go with you? After what Sirius Black nearly did to you! I mean it, I'll tell --"
"So now you're trying to get Harry expelled!" Ron yelled angrily. "Haven't you done enough damage this year?"
Hermione opened her mouth to respond, but at that moment, Crookshanks jumped up on her lap. The look on Ron's face made her pick Crookshanks up and run up to the dormitories.
"So how about it?" Ron asked Harry, as if they hadn't been interrupted. "Come on, last time we went, you didn't see anything. You haven't even been inside Zonko's yet!"
Harry looked after Hermione, pondering. Then he turned to look at Amie, asking her with his eyes if she felt the same way as Hermione. In response, Amie mimicked her hand zipping her mouth.
"Okay," Harry agreed with Ron. "But I'm taking the Invisibility Cloak this time."

The next Saturday, they all went to breakfast. Everyone was excited to go back to Hogsmeade. All through breakfast, Amie could see Hermione looking at Harry suspiciously.
"Do you think he's going?" she asked Amie.
"How should I know?" Amie smiled innocently. "Come on, Hermione, let's have a good time."
Hermione sighed and nodded.
As they walked through the Entrance hall, they saw Harry walking up the staircase, leaving Ron behind.
"Bye!" he shouted, loud enough for Hermione to hear. "See you when you get back!"
Amie rolled her eyes, he was being extremely obvious.
"He is up to something, I know it." Hermione said with narrowed eyes.
"Forget about it, Hermione." Amie said. "Let's go."

Even though there was a lot of things on their minds, Amie and Hermione managed to have a good time in Hogsmeade. They had Butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks, they bought sweets in Honeydukes, and they even bought some clothes from the robes shop. They were in a great mood, until they got back to the common room. An owl was waiting for them. The note clamped in it's beak was smudged and blotchy, as if someone had cried on it. Hermione took it from the owl with shaking hands, and they read it together.
Dear Hermione and Amie,
We lost.
I'm allowed to bring him back to Hogwarts. Execution date to be fixed.
Beaky has enjoyed London.
I won't forget all the help you gave us.
When they had finished reading, they were both crying.
"They can't do this! They just can't!" Hermione sobbed.
"That's just it, though. They can!" Amie cried.
"It's not fair!" Hermione said.
Just then, an owl came for Amie. She recognized it as Draco's. The letter read:
I was just in Hogsmeade, by the Shrieking Shack, when we were attacked.
Weasley was standing there, and I thought he was alone, but someone started throwing mud at us.
Goyle started running towards Weasley, when he was tripped. And then I saw Potter's face.
Potter was in Hogsmeade today, and I told Snape as soon as I got back.
I'm sorry. I know you're friends. But as I've already told you, I can't stand him.
I just thought you should know why he's in trouble, I guess.
"Oh, no! Oh no, oh no!" Amie said.
"What? What is it?" Hermione said, panicky.
Without answering, Amie gave Hermione the letter. She scanned it, and when she came to the part with Snape, she paled.
"He's in so much trouble if he can't come up with an explanation for this!"
"I know. We need to go and find him!" Amie said.
Hermione agreed, so they left the common room. But as they started walking away from the portrait hole, Harry and Ron showed up. Amie breathed a sigh of relief.
"Come to have a good gloat?" Ron said venomously. "Or have you just been to tell on us?"
Amie could see how Hermione changed her mind about what to say just then. Harry seemed to have been let off the hook, so there was no point of bothering him about going to Hogsmeade.
"No," Hermione said. She was still holding Hagrid's letter, and her lip was trembling. "I just thought you ought to know... Hagrid lost his case. Buckbeak is going to be executed."


New chapter! :)
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Amie's World of Lies (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 3 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now