Harry Potter. [Golden Trio]

Start from the beginning

two at each ear only.

non at least while she is in school.


114.64 lbs

just normal scratches from quidditch practice and matches.

Mainly Vanilla, fresh new parchment

Isabella is a girl who sees the good in others. She likes to spread positive vibes. Normally, she avoids drama when she is able to. Isabella is a typical Hufflepuff who isn't afraid to toil. She is a determined girl who has clear dreams to achieve; she can be highly competitive, but in  a good way.

Isabella is a definition of a soft girl. Her words are normally sweet and she hates being a buzzkill. She is supportive when it comes to family and friends.

However, she is shy—Too shy, which is something that is troubling her a little bit. She finds it hard to be social with people who she doesn't quite know well which makes her stick to her little group
of friends.

One of her other flaws is bottling up her feelings and putting others' happiness before her own. Isabella is also a Klutz sometimes, but she is improving.

As much as is it's a bad trait, Isabella can get jealous easily and she us conscious about it. She hates it, but it's a feeling that she can't help it. She feels jealous because it makes her feel like people underestimate her or that they think others are better than her.

Once Isabella opens up, it would actually be hard to shut her up because she is talkative and she always excited to share new things with her friends. She is kind of naive but that changes as she grows up.
With every hard-ship Isabella faces, she started to realize that life is not cupcakes and rainbows. Her personality developed rapidly in Hogwarts.

Seeing the good in other–
Which can also be a negative trait when overly used.

Comfortion and giving advice–
She is like the mom friend in her group of friends.

Defence against the dark arts-

It makes it hard for her to express herself. She doesn't find it easy to blend in with everyone and talk out loud.

Bottling up her feelings–
As much as she is a soft girl, she feels ashamed to show it. She finds it hard to talk about her own problems and struggles. Because to her, why would people bother to listen? Her problems are not that big and she has to be thankful since others face real hard-ships.

People she love-

Mental illnesses
Non that she is aware of.
She just has minor anxiety which increases as she grows up and she tends to over-think.

Seasonal allergies


Baking is like the way she escapes her problems and worries. It's a way to relief stress for her and make her day better.

She always finds herself doodling in class. When she realized it, she started to work more on drawing and improved it.

She seem to have a habit to talk in a whisper tone–
Maybe it's due to her shy nature or it's just habit. But her voice is normally low.

Playing with the tips of her hair.

-Margret Levisay-
Her mother.
She is a pure-blood witch who got sorted into Ravenclaw. She doesn't work since she is a stay at home mom and their family was actually financially good.
Isabella shares a good relationship with her mother. Both of them share a lot of happy memories together and there is nothing that Isabella would hide from her mom. She was her comfort zone.

Her Father.
He was man from an upper-class family. He worked in the ministry and he was a pretty gentle man. However, Isabella didn't have the strongest bond with him. Yes, he was great, but they never spent much time together which made her feel rather awkward about it.

Her older graduated sister. She loved her sister so much but now her sister lives in France with her muggle husband.

best friends
-Hannah Abott-
They met in the Hufflepuff common room. The two girls share a dorm and Hannah was so sweer so it comes as no surprise that the two girls bonded quickly.

-Cedric Diggory-
Isabella met him in the Hufflepuff common room too. He was a year above her and the two didn't really interact before. They only started interacting when Isabella joined the Quidditch team. He was so nice and gentle which flattered Isabella as a young teenager...but it was nothing serious. When Cedric became a captain, Isabella felt a little bit jealous–She found him great, but sometimes she wished she can be the captain.

-Angelina Johnson-

-Fred & George Weasley-
They pranked her in her first year which she found hilarious. Probably, the way she reacted is what made them friends.

-Hermione Granger-

-Fluer Delacour-

Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Percy Weasley
Cho Chang
Ginny Weasley
Roger Davies
Draco Malfoy
Nymphadora Tonks


love interest
Cedric Diggory
[ Can be George instead of Cedric]

Death Eaters
Peter Pettigrew

" Sweets make life sweet"
" Do you want a cookie? I baked it with my mom!"
" I would've made a great captain. But in a world where males are always given better opportunities, it was hard for them to notice me."
" Turns out life is not cupcakes and Rainbows."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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