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This happens before the Future arc began. Future Shoichi knows the truth of the 

Tri-ni-sette  by doing various research.

Text- in mind 

Text- boss mode

"Text"- speaking

Shoichi- This is the last paperwork  and then need to give a report to Byakuran san in person. Sigh. I wonder if he would listen this time about the Tri- ni-sette. 

He went out of the laboratory and wasn't aware of the listening device that was in his captain coat which made Byakuran smirk. He went to the meeting room that they were going to meet.

As soon as they met Byakuran gave him a foxy smile and greeted him. 

"Sho-chan~ It's been a while~" Byakuran said and ate a marshmallow. He might be even more pushy about the issue of the Tri-ni-sette. Hmmm. I know.

After Shoichi greeted him with his usual happy smile, Byakuran suggested to allow Shoichi to have a week of break as he tends to overwork. Especially when he was doing a regular checkup of the white circular time machine. This shocks Shoichi and he declined which Byakuran anticipated. He ate another marshmallow and said "You do seem to be tired as the Cavello girls told me about you having a lack of sleep. So superior's orders you know." He smirked as he saw Shoichi frown as he always does when he doesn't want to listen. "Humph, fine then," Shoichi sighed. 

Time skip~

During the week off is unusual and I'm sure Byakuran did that so that he is not being lectured again about his activities in other parallel worlds again. Shoichi sighed. He couldn't really sleep well straight way so he decided to listen to some music. Byakuran was listening in again to check for Shoichi to actually to obey and not try to do work. The Cavello girls were even told to pile the work without checking if it is  being done. 

The next day ~

Shoichi went back to work and couldn't be any more surprise about the work piled up. Did Byakuran did this so that I won't be able to ask- interogate him. Shoichi sighed and started to finish of the work which seemed to be torturous. 

Little did he know that Byakuran predicted his betrayal and is waiting patiently.

After the Choice game and there are changes to the final battle. This is an alternate version of the final stage of the Future Arc.

When Shoichi woke up he was visibly pale as he heard of the defeat of the Vongola family. Byakuran stated that since he now owns the last piece of the tri-ni-sette he might as well kill them. And this includes you-Sho chan- my old forgotten friend. He smirked which caused Shoichi to tense as he had a hunch of the consequences of this battle. 

The Vongola weren't so easy to give their rings when the outcome wasn't in their favour. They tried to come up with an idea but Byakuran ordered the real Funeral Wreaths to open attack with an unknown method and soon there was a big battle occurring. 

"Tsunayoshi, it would be better for you to give up now~" Byakuran said sweetly. It was too sweet and calm which made Tsunayoshi to shudder. Something is wrong. He managed to avoid an attack however the Millefiore boss wasn't aiming at Tsunayoshi. It was at Shoichi and nobody couldn't believe it. He has just killed his only friend that sincerely hoped for his lack of empathy of the world to end. This greatly shock everybody including the real Funeral Wreaths. No way, he won't do that to us right. Oh how wrong they were as Byakuran had Vindine to allow Ghost to come. 

Ghost was a flame consuming phantom so there were no exception of who's dying. Bluebell,Zakuro, Daisy and Torokabuto was dead. Then Tsuna managed to absorb the thing. Byakuran had the flames that were absorbed and were even more effected of the dark side. The sky flame were alarmly black as well and so there were a one and one match. Tsuna managed to get the original Vongola ring and was able to unleash the full power by meeting with Vongola Primo. Byakuran died with a smile as saying he lost. 


The Vongola were saddened of Irie Shoichi's death so there were a funeral before they were going back. They were shocked of a will that he wanted a tombstone for Byakuran as well if this plan was successful. Tsuna ordered- well requested in his way-  of following Shoichi's will. 

Yuni came as her soul came back late and was devasted of the outcome. She decided to revive the future Arcobelo and died with Gamma silently. Their was another silent moment and then Spanner, who was done grieving, decided to turn on the time machine so that the young Vongola can go home. The future of the other parralell worlds were saved.

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