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11 - Hogsmeade
Part 1
Charlie POV


Charlie and Remus hadn't seen each other in almost a week. Well, they hadn't spoken to each other in almost a week. They'd seen each other plenty of times.


Well, to be perfectly honest, neither of them really knew why.

It was just, sort of... awkward? Ever since that encounter with Charlie and his friends, Remus felt too embarrassed to approach Charlie when they were around. And Charlie? Well, Charlie would never, and I mean never, approach the most popular kids in school. Not even if his life depended on it.

So both boys had reached a stalemate. Neither was willing to approach the other while one of their friends was around, and unfortunately, both boys seemed to be around at least one of their friends all the time.

Charlie hadn't been his usual cheery self, his friends noted. Even Marlene had noticed, and she had known him for a total of three Care of Magical Creatures lessons. Sam and Oliver knew why. Sam tried to, well, I don't exactly know what she was trying to achieve by teasing Charlie about Lupin, saying that he was pining for him, but it certainly achieved something. Charlie didn't speak to her for a day, driving both parties (as well as everyone who had to witness it) insane as the pair never went a day without some form of communication. Oliver then locked them both in an empty classroom until they worked it out.

It was the same with Remus. He had been especially grumpy for a while now. Even James - the most oblivious person to ever walk this earth (christened so by Sirius Black himself) - had noticed it, when he had spilt orange juice on Remus' book by accident, and expected to be murdered instantly (like he usually would have been), only for Remus to sigh and close his (now soaked) book before turning his full attention to buttering his toast, not even acknowledging the fact that James had just ruined his favourite book. To say James was surprised was an understatement. He had poked Remus' cheek and then stolen his chocolate, waiting for a vicious reaction. The only reaction he got was a sigh and Remus saying in a tired voice, "Give it back James." It was then that James decided that Remus was officially broken and proceeded to announce it to everyone and anyone who would listen for the rest of the day, only stopping when Sirius threatened the shave his hair if he didn't shut up. And, as a matter of fact, the only one smart enough to even come close to figuring out why Remus was acting the way he was, was Sirius.

The two boys had become dependant on each other, even though they hadn't known each other for long. It was weird, and it freaked both boys out even more, therefore reinforcing the way they were sort of avoiding each other.

It was driving everyone insane.


Charlie groaned as sunlight hit his closed eyelids, scrunching up his face and turning away, snuggling up even more under the covers.

"No." He muttered sleepily.

He screeched when the covers were yanked away from him. Exposing his half naked body to the freezing cold air.

"SAM!" Charlie shouted, hugging his arms around his bare chest as goosebumps erupted on his skin, and drawing his pyjama clad legs towards him, hoping they'd provide him with more warmth.

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