John B wasn't in the best state of mind, and I couldn't blame him. "Somebody's gotta tell them what happened."

Kie parked her car as Pope started coughing from the seat behind her.

"Woah. Easy there chief." JJ sat in the seat behind him, me right next to him. "Damn." He turned and patted John B on the arm a little. "Alright. I'm just gonna be real with you right now. You might end up in the lion's den, but you don't go there on purpose."

"JJ..." I whisper, trying to coax him out of this 'talk.'

He didn't hear me. "It's fundamental. Just like my old man always told me, you should never ever trust cops. No matter what the circumstance is."

Kie turned around. "Your old man is an abusive liar."

I agreed with Kie. She could have said it in a bit of a nicer way, but I believed it.

"I agree with JJ." It was evident in Pope's voice he wasn't himself. "Fuck the police."

"Are you going to the dark side now?"

"When's the last time the police ever helped us?" Pope sat up a little.

John B suddenly butted in. "Peterkin looked out for me, alright? Tried to, at least. They need to know." We didn't dare say anything else as he got out of the car.

I closed my eyes and leaned on JJ. None of us deserved to be going through all this.

JJ lightly rubbed my arm, and all I wanted to do at this moment is fall asleep. Go to sleep and wake from this living nightmare.

The idea of sleep was knocked away as John B came running out of the police station yelling, not even two minutes later. "Kie! Start the car!" He came over and got inside as quickly as he could. "Start the car, Kie!"

None of us had any idea what was happening as a cop tried to get into the car, right as Kie started to drive.

There was so much yelling, I couldn't tell who was saying what. I didn't know what was happening. What happened at the police station in such little time?

That question was answered after a long drive - everyone thought John B shot Sheriff Peterkin.

We spent the whole night in the car, off in a hidden place. Nowhere was safe for John B, making nowhere safe for the Pogues.

Kie and Pope were sitting back in the front two seats while John B and JJ had their seats completely reclined. I had been laying with JJ, but when the sun came out I moved to the floor. Being on JJ would make me too obvious.

For some unknown reason, the radio was on. All the better, it was on a news station. I tried not to listen, just barely hearing it mention something about the powerline. As news about Sheriff Peterkin came up, two sets of sirens passed by our hideout.

That is what made Kie finally turn it off.

JJ took the blunt he had lit from his mouth. "Let's game this out. Maybe you guys can help, being the smart ones and all, but..." He let out a breath. "Who are the cops going to believe? Ward Cameron, or us? So, the accuser is a bigshot developer, kind of lord of the island, got the governor on speed dial kind of person; and the accused, is John B, who is," he paused, "pretty much a homeless 16 year old at the moment."

"Thanks." John B mumbled.

"Shit." Muttered Pope from the front seat.

I got up from the ground and climbed back onto JJ. I tried to maneuver myself on the seat between him and the door. I didn't want to be caught, but I needed to be closer to him.

❁Secret Princess❁ 〈Outer Banks ⇀ JJ Maybank〉Where stories live. Discover now