• Chapter 1 •

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3. Person's p.o.v.

,,Watch it kid, or next time you're gonna get it."
Said the taller male.
,,Oh.. please, like you could do anything."
Talked back the smaller male.
,,It's on."
He said and send smaller male evil grin.
,,Show me what you got Mr. Drug Dealer."

Aizawa's p.o.v.

I was on another boring night patrol, when I saw a fight. Before I got there, one of the males was knocked out. The other one just tied him and called police.

Before the police got there, he ran away and I decided to follow him.

After a few minutes, I lost him. I bet he knew about me, but then I saw a person in alley. Nobody should be here at this hour. It could be him, so I decided to be really quiet.

,,Hey Vi, I got the drug dealer, anything else?"
Said the said person.

,,Okay thanks, I'll tell her."

'Her?' Who is he talking about? Better catch him, before he disappears again.

Before I could do so, he started to run. Looks like our game of cat and mouse continues.

Izuku's p.o.v.

I was about to enter my house, but something caught me. Wait. I know this. Damn it Eraserhead.

,,Well, looks like you caught me."
I wasn't even trying to resist.

,,I'm taking you with me to police."
Said Eraser.

,,Wait, I am taking care of someone, can she come with me? I can't just leave her alone and don't tell her anything."
I began to mutter again.

,,Yeah sure, make it quick."

,,Eri-chan? Can you come to the living room?"

She entered the living room all tired. I felt bad, that I had to wake her up. If I didn't get caught, she could be sleeping and everything would be fine.

,,Mr. Deku? What is it?"

,,Eri-chan, I got caught and I can bring you with me. I can't leave you alone so get on my back okay?"

,,Okay, thanks Mr. Deku, love you."

,,Love you too Eri-chan, get some sleep."

Then I got Eri on my back and she fell asleep again. All of this was seen by Eraser. Bet he thought of me as a heartless monster.

,,Okay we can go now."

,,Right, follow me problem child."
Said Eraser and I couldn't do anything, but follow him.


I was put in some sort of a room, because they wanted to ask me questions. I was kinda becoming bored, when finally the door opened.

,,Good morning Broken Soul."
Said detective who came in.

,,Good morning Mr. Lie Detector, what do you want to know?"
I asked going straight to the point.

,,I'll just read your file and you need to tell me if it's correct, we don't want you to feel like a criminal, but we need to know, if you are the right person."


,,Known as: Broken Soul
Real name: Unknown
Age: Guessed between 16-20
Quirk: Unknown
Disappearance: Unknown
Kill count: 739."

,,Could you tell me the things, that are unknown?"

,,Just some of them, I am 18 years old and I am quirkless. My real name is kinda my secret and since you don't know it, I won't tell you my dissapearation. However everything else seems to be right. "

,,Okay, thank you."

After that, the detective left and came in Earser and Nezu, principle of the UA.

,,Hello young vigilante, I guess you know who I am. I have a proposal for you."

,,You can call me Zu, it's a nickname, but better than 'kid' or 'vigilante'. And what shall be your proposal?"

,,Okay Zu I wanted to ask you a favour. You know, class 2A has been targeted by the L.O.V. and I want to ask you, if you could be their protector,but you would be undercover."

,,You mean something like bodyguard for the whole class?"

,,Yes, before you answer, you can try and make some conditions."

,,Hmm... I'll be a protector, but I have four conditions."

,,Well, tell me."

,,First I want to keep on my mask, because I want to be fully undercover, then if you can try and get me black washable hair paint. Second I want to be called just Zu, since I won't tell you my real name and third I want some kind of freedom. Then there's Eri, I want her to be safe, she can't be with me, so find someone, who could take care of her please."

,,Very well then, it's settled."

,,Thank you Nezu."
I said while bowing.


Kirishima's p.o.v.

When Mr. Aizawa entered the class, something seemed different.

,,Okay class listen up."
Called it.

,,We have a new student-"

,,How can someone just transfer here?"

,,Did they take the exam?"

,,Sorry for the disrespect, but that's highly inappropriate to just transfer here in the middle of the year."

They started to ask a lot of questions. I just stayed silent, I was quite interested. I looked over at Kaminari and he seemed interested too.

,,Okay, SHUT UP. Just listen."

,,Sorry Mr. Aizawa."

,,Come in!"

When he came in, we saw a boy with black hair, blue eyes, (A/N: Yes, he is wearing contacts.) and with a mask on.

,,It's highly inappropriate to wear a mask and it's against the school rules. You should immediately take it off."
Said Iida.

,,Okay listen, first stop with your karate-choping and second I am allowed to wear this."

,,O-oh sorry then."
Said Iida as he quickly sat down.

,,Call me Zu, you can ask any questions, but don't expect answer on all of them."

Wow, gotta say that this boy is badass.

,,What's your full name?"

,,My name is kinda none of your business. Not even teachers know."

,,What's your quirk?"

,,And on that one I won't answer, anything else?"

,,What are your hobbies?"

,,I like playing video games, but I don't get to play that often and I am interested in weapons."

,,Do you have any siblings?"

,,Well... No, but- nevermind."

,,Okay take a seat behind Bakugou."

I was really confused. How did he know who is Bakugou? How come I am the only one asking this? I definitely need to befriend him. To be honest if I befriended Bakugou, I may have a chance befriending him.


Okay so, this is the first chapter. Hope you like it, until the next one.

Love Kat <3

1070 Words

Quirkless Protector?! (Vigilante Izuku AU)Where stories live. Discover now