The new pony

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everyone was happy on riding south forest, there came a new pony. The little mickey said, "I hope that pony is small too, then I'm not the only one." The great tinker Tobias stood up to mickey and always teased him, he said to mickey "Probably he's as idiotic as you." The beautiful andalusian standing next to mickey in the stable said: "Tobias, be nice! no wonder no one likes you." Micky slowly crawled into the corner because he got scared. " now he's going to bully you too," he said, scared. When mickey was a bit calmer and forgot that a new pony was coming, a big Appaloosa came to trot:"hi, I'm diamand. Who are you? You seem to be cozy." Tobias said "Hi I'm Tobias, those 2 you have to ignore their are stupid." mickey said softly "hello diamand, I'm mickey." diamand said happy "oh, Hi mickey. Who is that?" mickey said this time a little harder"this is moon, said is my best friend." The boss of diamand came running angrily:" Stupid beast, don't keep running away. Be glad you're stable next door." the boss led diamand to the stable next to mickey's.

when mickey and moon had dissued diamand Mickey opened the stables of their 3, Tobias got jealous and kicked hard against the stable. mickey diamand and moon managed to leave in time before the owner caught them, they ran out of the stables to the south forest forest.
when they arrived at a beautiful stream they went for a quiet grazing. "How do you know about this place?" Diamand asked after taking a big sip of the clear stream. Mikey replied:" We drive forest rides and then we drive past here." "Sometimes we jump over it." moon finished. diamand said "are they going to look for us?" moon replied proudly :" of course, they find us special horses." Diamand and words sad:" no human has ever given for me, They think I'm a loser and a clown." "we love you diamand," andvery mickey sweet.

the tough pony diamandWhere stories live. Discover now