She fell silent and he sighed. How could he placate her without giving himself away?

"I don't like that you extract promises from me that you don't even care if I keep," he said. That wasn't a lie.

"Oh..." she said. "Well..." She fell silent again. He wondered what she wasn't saying. Finally, she mumbled, "I just didn't think you'd do it."

"You'll see, won't you?" he asked, pulling her back down.

"I suppose," she said, still sounding doubtful.

Deciding he'd had enough conversation for one night, he flipped her over, pinning her beneath him, and began kissing her neck. Ignoring her objections, he moved up to her mouth. Catching it, he tasted the salty essence of himself and for a second he stopped, stunned.

"Told you to stop," she muttered, sounding like she was smirking.

Thought she had him, did she? He kissed her again, deeper, more thoroughly. Her lips parted on a gasp at his second onslaught, and his tongue slipped in, tasting and teasing. She felt warm and heady and tasted like sex. She softened beneath him as she usually did, responding to his kiss. He was hard again and shifted his body so she would know.

She moaned with need. "You're sick!" she thought it fit to inform him even as she moved against him.

He smirked against her. Yes, he was... and it felt great.


Before many days had passed, Draco decided that he rather liked Hermione's periods. Still, he couldn't wait for it to be done with so he could finally have her again. Playing around was nice and all, but it didn't compare to the real thing.

The level of his need worried him a bit. Sometimes, he'd sit in class and just stare at the back of her bushy head, not registering anything while imagining her naked and flushed with pleasure. It couldn't be healthy to be this obsessed, but he found it hard to resist.

He was pleasantly surprised that so far nobody had a clue about his interest in Hermione. This meant they didn't have to break it off yet. The fact that they hated each other so much made it unthinkable for anyone that there might be more. Of course, it helped a little that they were usually seen bickering or fighting whenever they were talking. If only people knew that it was nothing but foreplay... As far as he was concerned, it was, anyway.

Apparently, her tutoring him excused these extra communications they had to a very high degree as she had shown people a slightly remedied public version of their contract by now, making him the laughing stock of most Slytherins. Now people knew he was all but emasculated, and it was only a matter of time before they'd take full advantage of that, making life hard on him. He reminded himself that he had to punish her for that.

Punishing Hermione was always something to look forward to.

Pleasing her was even better.

Giving her the light had been an impulse. It wasn't as if he'd bought her anything. He'd had that extra light that he hadn't gotten around to returning, and she had wanted one like it. He couldn't face her with it, though, so he had done the next best thing—pushed her over and shoved it into her bag while she was too busy being angry at him to notice.

Ok, so maybe that had been an odd way to go about it, but the end result had been as he'd wished. She had obviously liked it, and he had gotten some very long nights of sexual favors. She would probably claim that it wasn't connected, but he'd already learned that he got more from her if he kept her somewhat happy outside of bed as well as in bed. So much more...

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