Chapter 2: A Sweet Reunion

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Shere Khan sat patiently in his desk, his eyes never leaving the woman as she paced back and forth before him.

"Now, now, madam," the old tiger said, "they will find your daughter. Khan Industries never settles for anything less than the finest when it comes to employees."

"Oui, I know, Monsieur," Duchess said. "It is just...hard for me to be without any of my children. I hope my little Marie is safe."

"I'm sure she is, my dear," Khan assured her. "We will reunite the two of you. You have my word."

"Thank you for your reassurance, Monsieur Khan," Duchess replied, giving a small smile.

"Now, I advise you to just relax and..."

A sudden buzzing noise interrupted Shere Khan. Nonchalantly, he pressed the button on his desk intercom unit. "Khan here."

"Sir, we've found her."

"Excellent," the CEO replied. "Where was she, pray tell?"

"At a pizza place on Seventh, trying to warm herself up. Frankly, I don't blame her."

"I see. Well, ahem, send her up here at once."

"Will do, sir. Out."

As Khan took his finger off the talk button, he looked up at Duchess with a smile. 

"It looks like your dear daughter is safe and sound, just as I predicted."

"Oh!" The woman gleefully jumped up and down with great joy. "Merci, Monsieur Khan! Merci Beaucoup!"

"You're very much welcome, madam."

Several minutes later, the elevator dinged and opened, revealing a young white she-cat  wearing a purple coat, escorted by a Khan Security guard.

"Here's your daughter, miss," the man said.

"Mama!" the girl exclaimed, rushing forward and hugging her mother.

"My dear sweet Marie, I have missed you," Duchess said, wrapping her arms tight around the girl. "Why did you wander off?"

"I hated the cold and I wanted a place to get warm. I'm sorry for disobeying you, Mama."

"It is alright, my precious one. I am just grateful to see you were not hurt. Just don't disappear on me again."

"I promise, Mama."

As Shere Khan watched, a peculiar warm feeling arose inside him. Happiness? Comfort? Satisfaction? He could not tell.

"Well, my dear, now that you have been reunited with your child, I have much work to do, so perhaps you could...relocate?"

"Of course, Monsieur Khan," Duchess said, a wide grin on her face and tears of relief in her eyes. "Thank you for all your help. I will not soon forget this."

"Is that so?" Khan gave a similar grin. "Neither will I."

Once Duchess and her daughter had been escorted out, Shere Khan sat back down at his desk. Those checks weren't going to sign themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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