Chapter 2

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I hang up, they robbed my house? I'm glad my moms okay. I hope they didn't steel anything important. Isn't Mitsuki Kaachan's mom? This is going to be difficult. I just noticed she never told me what house it was. His house is near my neighborhood but I don't know what house it is. I should text my mom.
"Hey mom, you didn't tell me what house number it was" the message I sent said.
"Oh whoops! It's xxx" she sent me the exact address, so I opened google maps on my phone and followed the arrow. It was 6 minutes away. I was finally right in front of the house. The house was really wide, but only one floor. I'm so nervous. I breathed in and out and nocked on the door.
"Go open the door lazy punk!" Uhm..she must be talking about Kaachan.
"Who is it?!"
"Izuku-" Kaachan had opened the door, and when he saw me he was shocked.
"U-uh hey Kaachan.." I wave nervously.
"What're you doing here nerd?!"
"Your mom said ill be spending the night here.."
"Let him in Katsuki!" I could hear his mom yell.
"Get in!" I walk inside, and remove my shoes. I had socks on. I put my backpack in the corner, on the floor.
"Are you Izuku? You look so big! It's been a while I've seen you!" She comes up to me and she gives me a hug.
"H-hey" She let's go and pats my head.
"You'll be sleeping with that kid over there" she says pointing at Kaachan. I can't help but giggle, he looked so pissed at his mom when she said that.
"Katsuki, bring him to your room!" Kaachan walks to one of the rooms, I follow right behind him. I walk inside after him. Idk what say or do, so I just stay standing up right by the door.
"You can sit down idiot"
"Alright" I sit on the corner of his bed, his bed was huge, so was his room. He even had his own bathroom. Surprisingly his room was clean.
"Catch" he says throwing me the remote, luckily I catched it.
"Put on a movie" I turn the TV on and scroll through Netflix. There was this movie it was called A Silent Voice, I should put this one.
"Put these on, I don't have any other clothes" I look at him, he was handing me a Black T shirt and some shorts.
"Thanks Kaachan" He then sat on the bed, laying back. I take off my shirt while sitting down, slipping the other one on.

I sit back laying down, waiting for him to hurry up so we can start the movie. From my perspective I can only see his back. He took off his shirt, I saw all the bruises on his back. The bruises I had caused. They looked real bad. He slips the shirt I gave him on. He stands up and takes his uniform pants off. There were scratch marks on the back of his thighs, probably when he fell on his bottom. He then slipped on the shorts I gave him. I shouldn't feel guilty for punching him, he deserved it anyway. I roll my eyes and wait for him to sit down. He turns around to face me, getting back onto the bed. He stays sitting up.
"Lay down nerd"
"O-oh" I put play on the movie.

My back kinda hurt, normally I'd sleep on my side, but I can't watch the movie like that. I could also lay on my stomach but I have bruises there too. I just did as Kaachan said to not make him angry. He plays the movie. (They're laying right next to each other)
I started getting sleepy, I also had to go pee.
"Kaachan?" I look over at him.
"Can I use your bathroom?"
"Yes idiot, don't ask again" I don't know if he's acting nice because his mom is home, or he's just tired, but I like this side of him. I get up and walk to the bathroom, I do my thing and then wash my hands. I look at the mirror and stare at myself. I should change this bandaid. I take it off and throw it away. I rinse my cheek with water trying to clean most of the dirt, and dry blood away. I grab toilet paper to dry my face and walk out the bathroom. He had the movie paused, he was probably waiting for me.
"Kaachan? Do you maybe have another bandaid?" I ask covering my cheek.
"No. Why'd you take it off!?" He had a mad look on his face.
"It started to sting" I mean I just wanted to clean it but I wasn't lying.
"There's one in the drawer" he said pointing to it.
"Thanks Kaachan" I say grabbing it and walking back into the bathroom. I put it on my cheek and walk out. I lay down on the bed. There was only one blanket on the bed but Kaachan was already using it. He puts play on the movie, and we quietly watch the movie. There was this sad scene, I could feel my vision getting blurry. I wipe the tear before it falls.
The movie had finally finished, I wonder when my mom will get here.
"Guys! Dinner is ready!" I hear Kaachan's mom yell. I get up, Kaachan doing the same. We walk out and he sits on the chair. Finally I get to eat something, I haven't aten all day. I sit down across from him. We were having..KATSUDON! This is my favorite food! A big smile appears on my face.
"What were you guys doing?" She asked with a curious look on her face.
"Watching a movie.." I reply.
"Also your mom said she'll be back in a while, so you don't need to worry"
"Oh okay..thanks" We begin eating.
"Do you like it?"
"Mhm.." I reply with my cheeks stuffed.

Mistuki Bakugo~
I watched as Izuku ate his food. He was a cutie, but something caught my eye. He had a bruise on his face, he was also eating like if he hadn't eaten all day. I don't know what it is, but it was worrying me.

"I'm done" I look up Bakugo was done with his food, he headed back to the room. I was done with mine too but I wanted more.
"Uh..Can I have m-more?" I ask nervously.
"Of course! There's some right over there, there's plenty" She says pointing at the counter. I grabbed more and sat back down. I quickly finished.
"There's something I want to ask you.."
"Uh what is it?"
"What's that bruise on your face?" She can see it?
"O-oh, I fell at school" I smile nervously.
"Hm..well you know if there's something going on you can tell me or your mom, we can help"
"There's nothing going on, I'm really fine"
"If you say so, you can leave the plate there I'll wash it" she smiles at me.
"Alright, thank you for the food" I wash my hands quickly and head to Kaachan's room. He was laying on his bed using his phone. I laid down on the right side. I turn facing the wall and turn on my phone. I text my mom worried.
"Mom are you coming soon?"
I turn my phone back off. I draw circles on the wall with my finger, I'm bored. It's kind of cold in here. I start getting goosebumps. I just remembered I have homework. I left my stuff in the living room. I get up and go get my homework. I walk back into the bedroom.
"What are you doing?" Kaachan asks.
"I forgot to do my homework" I replied.
"Shit, I gotta do mine" I sat on the bed, and read the sheet. I had to write a 8 sentence paragraph about someone I want to be like when I get older. I need a pencil. I look next to me Kaachan was writing on his paper. He looked frustrated.
"What nerd?"
"Can I borrow a pencil?" He looks in his bag and hands me one.
I finally finished my homework. I gave Kaachan his pencil back and I laid backdown.
*phone vibrates* I took out my phone and it was my mom.
"Honey I'll be there in 5 minutes!"
"Okay mom" I reply. I'm glad she's coming.
"Why'd you have to come to my house?" He asks.
"Someone robbed my house"
"I don't know the details though"

"Coming!" I hear Kaachan's mom yell. Is my mom here? I run out the bedroom to the living room. My mom was entering.
"Mom!" I run up to her, giving her a big hug.
"Hey hunny!"
"How did it go?"
"They haven't found the villain yet..they said it's safer if we don't go back home yet..we might be staying here for another night"
"Hunny what's that on your face? Are you okay?"
"Yeah..I just fell down at school" I look over at Kaachan who was starring at us.
"Are you Katsuki Bakugo?" My mom asks, with a huge smile on her face.
"Uh yeah" She walked closer to him.
"Your very tall compared to Izuku, you even have more muscles!" Her comment made Kaachan laugh.
"You grew up to be a very fine young man, are you single"
"Y-yeah" Kaachan replied, his cheeks started to turn red.
"That's a bummer haha"
"Pffft He probably scares all the girls away with his yelling" Kaachan's mom adds. I cover my mouth to cover my face, I laughed at her comment. Kaachan would kill me if he saw me laughing.
"You guys can go to your room, I gotta talk with your mom" We then head to the bedroom.
"I'm going to bed" I hear Kaachan mumble. I guess I will too. I lay down next to him. He took all the blanket. I curl up and close my eyes.
I don't know how much time has passed, I turn on my phone to check the time. It was 1:34 am. I haven't slept at all because of how cold I was. I turn around facing Kaachan. I try pulling on the blanket. He didn't move, he's probably deep into his sleep. I move closer to him so that the blanket covers us both. I curl myself under the blanket, facing him. Like that I fall asleep.

See you in the next chapter ;)

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