Her start

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 She never thought of herself as special, though her parents seemed to think otherwise. Ena - "gift from god" the name now seemed like some cruel joke that her parents played on her. They had tried for years to have a baby but had never succeeded until Ena. She understood why they chose that name, but she still hated it. 

 Her mom, Amaya,  was in the medical field, her quirk was similar to Best Jeanists, but she could only control one thread at a time making her an expert at stitches. Her mom was meticulous with everything she did, it had to be perfect or else it wasn't good enough. Her dad, Eiko,  was a polar opposite, and that's what Ena loved so much about him. She inherited her quirk from him, they both had the ability to control ropes of any shape and size. He was rough around the edges, apparently mastering his quirk took him ages. He found himself tangled in his own mess more times than he could count but, Ena was different, she picked it up right away which made her father jump with joy. "She'll be a pro hero in no time!" he exclaimed as he hugged his wife. Amaya was pensive, as much as she loved her husband, she hated that he was a pro hero. She was the one who ended up cleaning up the messes. She saw the injuries, the death and the disaster and the last thing she wanted was her only daughter to get mixed up in it. She helped her daughter to become calm and meticulous like she was, but when it was just Ena and her dad she was a wild and free spirited kid; she was never happier than when she was with him. He shone like the sun to her, the only hero in her heart. 

  Ena was a shy kid, she never liked playing with the other kids and they didn't seem interested in playing with her either. She mostly sat alone, reading and watching the other kids have fun and play with each other. If she was lucky, when she got home her dad would be there and they would go to the park and he'd push her on the swings, and they'd have climbing competitions. On rainy days they would stay in, watch movies and he would teach her to tie a new knot. On the weekends they would practice and train Ena to use her quirk. Her father wanted to jump right in and teach her how to restrain and take down a villain but, at her mothers insistence she first learned how to use her quirk to get out of a sticky situation. She learned to fashion rope ladders in mere seconds, she could climb faster than anyone in her class and she was beginning to learn how she could use her quirk to rescue someone. When her dad was on a mission Ena was glued to the TV watching the news to see if any stories came out about her father. She watched videos of him in action and tried to imitate him. She admired him so much and aspired to be just like him when she grew up. 


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