The Animagus Potiom

Start from the beginning

After that, the Weasleys never asked to play again which made Harry and Rishi very happy. Even Fred and George didn't want to play Quidditch. Unlike their brother, they were working on creating products. Sirius and Harry had invested in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and became partners with them. They would fund the Weasley Twins' research and when they went into business, 40% of profits would go to Lord Black and his heir.

The distractions made it harder, but they managed to finish their potions. They would enter their mindscapes for the forms.

Rishi threw Harry a playful look "Bottoms up?"

Harry laughed "No doubt."

They lightly hit their vials, then chugged the potion together.

Rishi saw nothing. It was quite odd but that feeling vanished quickly. He found himself in a foggy environment. It was like he was on top of clouds but the clouds were darker, a gray color.

He tried to move around, learn about this new world he was in. He found himself unable to move. He was almost planted into the ground. He then began looking around from his current spot, but found nil. It was annoying.

Then, he saw figures emerge from the fog. He couldn't get details but he could see shapes in the fog. By his count, he saw four.

The first to emerge from the fog was the coyote, his patronus. He was expecting this one. He petted the coyote and felt a rush go through his body. He felt more powerful though he didn't get how.

The next animal he saw didn't walk to him like the coyote; it flew. A falcon swooped down from above. Rishi almost ducked in instinct but on a whim, let the falcon reach him. It landed on his shoulder and he felt another surge of power in him.

The one after the falcon surprised Rishi the most. Wagging its tail, a dog came out of the fog. It ran to Rishi joyfully and began licking him repeatedly. In response, Rishi rubbed it behind the ears. He always wanted a dog but his parents were worried about whether he could manage it. Eventually, he stopped asking. As he rubbed it, he felt yet another surge enter his body.

Finally, he saw the final creature escape the fog. It was bigger than the rest combined. It was an elephant. It stomped its way to a stunned Rishi. Unlike the others, Rishi didn't pet it quickly. He took a minute or two to overcome his shock at the elephant's size. Finally, he petted the elephant, and felt that familiar surge of power in him. Then, he came to.

Harry also found himself in a foggy area. Unlike his best friend, he didn't attempt to look around. He simply took a deep breath and waited.

The forms came much quicker for him. By his count, he had 5 forms, which excited him a lot due to its rarity. That excitement then turned into curiousity regarding his forms. Luckily, that curiosity didn't have to wait to be satisfied.

Like Rishi, the first animal which came to Harry was his patronus, the panther. However, unlike Rishi, Harry's first move wasn't to pet the animal. He stared at it, waiting for it to do something first. Despite this environment being harmless, he wasn't going to jump into it headfirst. Harry planned to analyze it first, then act.

The panther apparently got bored of Harry not doing anything, and put its neck under Harry's hand, as if it was demanding to be touched. Harry sensed that he had to so he touched the panther. He felt a jolt of power enter his body, a bit like when the goblins broke the blocks on him.

Harry began looking at the horizon, waiting for another animal to come from the fog. As he watched, an animal did walk towards him. But, it picked up speed quite quick. It appeared to be a thoroughbred horse. In Harry's mind, it was quite beautiful. Its coat was brown but Harry suspected that when transformed, it would be black. And when Harry felt its mane, more power entered his body.

The next animal flew down from that foggy sky. It was a raven which caused Harry, a Ravenclaw, to break down into laughter. He could only imagine Flitwick's reaction if he learned of this form. The raven circled Harry for a minute, like it was judging him, seeing his worth. It must've found him worthy as it perched itself on Harry's shoulder, sending more power into him.

The next animal Harry saw scared him a bit, until Harry remembered where he was. It was a bear. The bear took a moment to look at its surroundings before going over to Harry, who stared at it. The bear stared back, creating an awkward time, until Harry patted the bear on the head, sending yet another surge of power into himself.

Finally, Harry waited for his last form. He expected it to be more of the same. He was kind of hoping for a stag or doe, so he could have a form similar to one of his parents. But, he honestly doubted that would happen. And he was right. It didn't happen.

Like the raven, it came from the sky. And when it did, it scared Harry better than any bear could ever manage. It flew around the foggy sky for a bit, as if it was trying to increase Harry's fear. Finally, it came down, giving Harry a chance to be face to face with a Hebridean Black Dragon.

He knew about them of course. He did a bit of extra reading regarding Care of Magical Creatures and they came up in a section regarding dragons. They were one of two breeds to be native to Britain. And in Harry's opinion, they were quite beautiful. They had purple eyes and dark, rough scales. Harry bet that they'd be a hell of a fight with those and their bat-like wings. Their tail had an arrow-tip which would probably be very useful for fights. In short, it was amazing.

Taking a deep breath, Harry touched the dragon between the eyes. He then felt the strongest surge of power yet enter his body. Then, he came to.

Harry woke up with a start and looked around. Rishi was beside and based on his position, he guessed that his friend had been up for some time. Harry didn't say anything to him and just took deep breaths.

Once he had the energy, he asked "What did I miss?"

Lupin shook his head "Nothing. We decided to wait for you. Beats saying everything twice."

Harry nodded and looked at your friend "What're your forms?"

"Coyote, falcon, dog and an elephant" Rishi answered.

"A dog" Sirius grinned wildly "I knew I always liked you."

"Uh thanks" Rishi said "What about you, Harry?"

Harry grinned like his godfather "Panther, horse, raven, and a bear along with a Hebridean Black."

Rishi, Sirius, and Lupin gaped before grinning just like Harry.

"This" Sirius gestured to the four of them "This is going to be VERY fun."

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