Surving the apaclypes

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I was going for a vacation in about 4 days. Panama City Beach. But before all the packing I thought I would just go out for a walk to get all this stress out. My sister in law is haveing a baby, my brother is fighting in the war, and my parents are celebrating the 49th anniversary. Somedays I just wanna sleep.. Sleep for the day and wake up to a new one. So I geared up and head on out. It was warm outside, but not that bad. And I saw a baby squirrel climbing up to its mother, it was absolutely adorable! But I kept walking a couple miles 3 miles in my knees were terribly cramping so I walked back home to see my dog Chloe tearing up the curtains! I'm only 19! I can't everything perfect! Later that night I heard a knocking, I jumped. But than realized it was my sister, Hannah James, she looked excited! She told me about this new guy and how is the one! Hours past and to my surprise she left before I could mumble a word!


The next day.

9am. My alarm went off, loud as ever! And the tv turned on. Channels 2 was on. I thought to myself. Was I watching this last night? Anyways I saw a reporter and her microphone talking about man eating man? I don't know. I just avoided it like everything else in my life, got up and dressed myself. An hour later my phone was buzzing like beez! Vibrating like crazy! I reached and grabbed my phone only to see 21 new texts! They were all pictures and some where what I saw on the news! I sipped my coffe and unlocked my phone and read "Wake up! Did you see the news? You need to cone right now! Load your guns hurry!!" I didn't beleive it so I said "sure, you have pulled this off before! Knock it off!" A minute later an I received "This is not funny heather! Pick up your phone! Turn on the news!" I did so. A few seconds turns in to minutes than to hours! Still watching the news. Nothing. like I said! But than something coughs my eye. An it said "Dead walk!" I paused and kept watch "stay in your house till further information!" So I did. I called back. Nothing. No answer. I was getting scared! I guess that vacation is off! A car siren went off and I jumped! Chloe started to bark and I started to freak! I than crawled to the window and peaked out the torn curtains. A man! It was dave! My beighbor? But how! This cant be happening! Now? At a time like this?! Why I he walking in the street, he nevers leaves his house?? I crawled back to the couch and called my friend, Abby, she answered to my surpise! In a shaky tone I let out the words "the dead walk?" She whispered back "I know! I see one outside! Can you come over! Please in alone?" I said "But what about chloe? My dog? What of she barks? Or even if she gets lose? No I cant! I'm home alone to! I moved out a year ago! Ugggg! I don't know!" She than said "it's ok! Just take your car and bring chloe! I have guns from my dad! But I'm scared! Please hurry!?" I tossed my phone, than grabed it. Chewing my nails to an end And I said "fine, you better watch my ass!" And hung up.

30 minutes to an hour I was ready. I grabed my car keys and Chloe and ran to my car running with my dog in one hand, my keys in my other and my back pack on my back. I jumped in and tossed my dog to the passengers side and spud off. Abby called, I answered. She asked "are you almost here? I've been waiting for an hour!" I whispered a "yes" and told her I'm in the drive way and to hurry the hell up! For they were dozens behind me! The gate opened. And I drove! Few minutes later we were taken over with heards of those things! Chloe was barking! Just attracting them more! We tried to barricade the doors and windows but failed! We ran out back and only to find a dozen coming our way. We brought Chloe and just ran! A short while we were out of breath we had to take shelter and fast! Night was approaching! Another mile we found shelter so we ran in! Bang there were guns to our head and men surrounded... Things were gonna get worse! be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2012 ⏰

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