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Your phone is placed face down on the table between you and Keigo, running a sound recording app; even if you do take down notes in your book, it was always good to have a backup. You make a mental note about not finding it so bad listening to his voice over and over and ov--

"Here," his low voice breaks you from your wandering thoughts and you watch as he gently places a coffee mug down in front of you. 

You watch him as he seemingly floats into his seat, he chuckles upon noticing your eyes glance over his glass.

"It's technically my day off," he smirks, leaning back and in his armchair, kicking his right leg up to rest his ankle on his left knee. He takes a sip.

Flustered, you fumble with your notebook and pen, opening it to a blank page before writing the date -- and his name.

𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓪𝓶𝓲 𝓚𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓸; 𝓗𝓪𝔀𝓴𝓼

"Why did you agree to meet me if it was your day off?" you ask, nervously tapping the end of your pen off the side of the book.

Keigo took another sip before looking at you over his glass.
"Let's just say you haven't gone unnoticed," his lips curl into that boyish smirk of his.

You told yourself you wouldn't take the bait, at least not yet.

"So, Keigo," you clear your throat, "we all remember that rather poignant speech at the Hero Unveiling many months ago but-" you lean forward ever so slightly, "-do you think you've stirred the hero world enough or are we yet to see more?"

He watches you intently and you feel yourself shrink back in your chair, careful not to let a squeak escape your lips.

"As everyone is keen to note," you continue, "you've accomplished so much at such a young age, the people want to know if you're all talk or do you have more up your sleeve?"

"They are, aren't they," he chuckles, "I stand by what I said, and trust me, miss Y/N, the world has only seen the beginning."

You watch his wings twitch as he says this, curious.

"People have been talking all about your intern, Tsukuyomi," you continue scribbling down notes as you talk, "are there any plans to take him on as a sidekick?"

Keigo finishes the liquor in his glass and sets it down on the table before he answers.

"Tokoyami has continued to improve since being here at the agency; his tenacity to overcome and adapt is remarkable. I've put that kid through a lot with my absences. I'm more of a lone hawk when it comes to work," he winks and you stifle a giggle, "but as part of the agency? You bet, he is going places!"

You watch his expression change as he talks about his young protégé, you find it rather endearing. In your heart you could feel now was not the time to be engaging in silly PR gigs, this poor man in front of you was trying his best to hide hurt but it was leaking through the cracks.

You gaze out the window to find that the afternoon sky had far gone the orange and pink tones or early evening, the star-speckled blanket of the night sky was beginning to descend.

You had gone through a few pages of notes before abandoning both pen and paper to the side, Keigo had the uncanny ability to make you feel both nervous and relaxed at the same time and your heart felt like it would explode

"I can't believe how late it's gotten," you say to him, "I'm so sorry for taking up so much of your free time!" He waves you away with his hand.

"This is the most fun I've had in a long time," he tells you and you believe him, his voice tainted with a pain you can't quite place.

"Then I'm sure you'll be pleased to you I'll be here all week," you tell him, laughing. We got through so much stuff today, it's not like he's going to casually want to hang out. You scoff at your own thoughts.

"You didn't get to ask my favorite color or food yet, did you?" His laugh is genuine and childlike, you feel your heart swell in your chest. "At least you won't have to travel back to Tokyo tonight," he continues, "where are you staying?"

You tell him about the quaint little air bnb the publication company booked, right near the canal, as you pack your bag back up. You stand up and Keigo follows suit, he is at your side with a faint whoosh.

"Maybe I can escort you," he tells you, leaning down to your height, his lips close to your ear. "Are you hungry?"

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