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I leave her standing there and walk back into the dining room happy that my plan was finally in motion. For months I plotted and planned after I found out where she was going to school, biding my time. It wasn't hard to get a scholarship to UCLA because they already had offered me one after sending one of their scouts to watch me play but I still worked my ass off to secure my position on the football team.

The move, school work and practice was kicking my ass but I felt a new sort of energy now that she was aware of me. Her gorgeous confused blue gray eyes asking me for all the answers, but me unwilling to give her anything.

I of course knew she would be lost as to why her dad would be meeting with my dad in general but now that she knows he traveled to meet with him she must be questioning everything she ever knew.

What she didn't know or didn't remember is that our dads were old college pals, from the two years her dad studied in London. While my dad went into film hers went into medicine. They kept in contact after that and up until we were 11 we had yearly vacations together with some of their other college friends and their families.

Josephine didn't seem to remember me or us playing together as children but I remembered her. I was always aware from her from what I can remember. The small tomboyish girl with long blonde hair and big blue eyes that was always getting into some sort of trouble and eventually she took me along with her.

Her being only months older then me always bothered me because I was bigger and I always felt the need to protect her. The bad part, she never wanted me to protect her because she was the older one. Her sister, who was only a year older was always bossing her around and looking after her I am sure that is the reason why she liked that I let her dominate me. And truth be told, I liked her bossing me around but on my terms. I was still the one in control and her protector.

When my dad told me she would be attending my school last year I hardly slept until she arrived. We had one class together and when we were introduced I waited for her to recognize me, willed her to recognize me but she never did.

Thinking back, it may have been because my family never called me by my first name and instead called me by my nickname as a child. She picked up the habit the short time we vacationed together and like a love sick puppy I never corrected her.

Hurt, embarrassment and anger overtook me when she didn't recognize me her first day. To be so obsessed with someone growing up, starting from friendship to puppy love as we got older. Counting down the months till I would see her every year for her not even recognizing me hurt and I didn't handle being hurt well. At all...

I didn't engage with her for the rest of the dinner but felt her eyes on me as I worked the room. I watched as my teammates tried and failed to hold her attention and was relieved when her and the girl she showed up with left before me.

The rest of the week I watched her from afar at school, waiting for the other shoe to drop. It wouldn't be long before she found out what I had done but before that happened I either wanted to make sure she was either ready to kill me or already in love with me.

We had to travel Friday to Arizona for our first game on Saturday night. I didn't see Jo until right before the game because they kept us separate from the cheerleaders until after the game. I didn't know if I was more excited to see her cheering, in her sexy uniform or to finally play. I watched her throughout the game and snuck out of the locker room to watch the cheerleaders half time dance, getting thoroughly chewed out by my coach after.

I made sure to play my ass off, having a great game- scoring two of the three touchdowns and we ended up winning.

After the game we had a short team meeting and then I took a quick shower before being escorted to the hotel. Back at the hotel most of the guys were partying, either with each other or with some cheerleaders in their room but everyone's doors were open, welcoming anyone. I cautiously examined each room as I walked to my own looking for her and sure enough I found her sitting on my quarterbacks bed with her friend Lola, beer in hand, laughing at something the dumb fuck quarterback said while standing over them.

Heros favorite gameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora