𝘍 𝔬 𝔲 𝔯 .

Start from the beginning

He smirked, "Slytherin," he pointed at the table with elegant green banners, the people in the table certainly had a disconnect with the rest of the hall. Y/n couldn't explain it, was it the way they carried themselves? Was it the way the table next to them seemed to ignore their overbearing presence? "My parents and all my relatives are Slytherin. I know I have Slytherin in my blood."

"I hope you get into Slytherin too," Draco chimed, "Hufflepuffs are for weaklings and I guess you could pass as a Ravenclaw. Just make sure to avoid Gryffindors," His lips twisted into a frown, side-eyeing the red and gold table next to them, "They're nothing but trouble."

Y/n let out a small laugh, looking back at Hagrid's bad mouthing towards the Slytherins. The two houses must've had some unresolved rivalry that has carried out through generations, then. He shrugged, "Did a Gryffindor kill your pet monkey or something?"

"What? No, What kind of question is that?"

The raven-head gave a small grin, "You know, you look when talking about them, they look like they did."

"Malfoy, Draco!" 

Before the boy could respond, his name was called. He went to the stage, and got his wish at once. The hat had barely touched his head and it yelled "SLYTHERIN!" 

Y/n let out a small huff of disbelief, clapping as he watched the blonde run to the table with a wide smile. "It's literally in his blood," he muttered, earning a yelp from Harry, "Y/n? When did you get here?" he blinked at his brother whilst Ron peeked from beside him, waving a small greeting. 

"I saw the mop on your head so I found my way back here," He pointed towards his brother's hair, which earned a roll from him. "You're one to talk," the brunette remarked, glancing at the rat's nest his brother calls hair. 

"It must be genetic," Y/n remarked.

"Potter, Harry!" Harry stepped forward, taking a deep breath in as the hall filled with whispers, "Harry? did she say Harry potter?" "The potter twins are here?!" "They better be in Gryffindor then,"

Ron scooted towards the Raven head, "Where did you awhile back?" he asked, "Did you cast a spell or something? You suddenly vanished," he whispered, making the boy nod, "Oh, yeah, I do that. I'm actually dead, I'm a ghost and I can just vanish whenever I want. Neat, right?"

The redhead's mouth went agape, "No you're not, I can touch you," he argued, poking the boy's arm. "Careful, Ron. You're touching ghost."

"Potter, Y/n!" 

Y/n felt his heart drop as his hands began to grow cold, it was his first time in front of such a large crowd, he felt special but at the same time, quite tired. He took quick steps forward, holding his head high to feign some confidence. Sitting down, he felt the hat get set on top of his head.

"ANOTHER Potter?! How many of you are there? Alright let's see" The hat grumbled, twisting as if it was thinking. "The brains and curiosity of a Ravenclaw, the loyalty of a Hufflepuff, cunning and ambitious like a Slytherin yet somehow as reckless as a Gryffindor" it said. "Complicated, very complicated"

Y/n raised a brow, "That's a lot," he muttered, "Are you certain I fit in one house? Can't I just be in all of them?" The hat grumbled, hitting his cheek with it's flaps, making the boy flinched. He decided it's best to shut up, who knows if the had would choke him if he annoyed it any further

Minutes flew by and the hat was still sorting him. "It seems he's been hatstalled," Fred whispered to Harry. 

Harry turned to the twins, "Hatstalled?" he parroted, though it was a question. "The hat can't decide where to put him, must be confused" said George.

"Which house will you sort me in?" asked Y/n, causing the hat to groan one more. "How about you guess then we'll determine whether or not to put you there?" the hat said, very uncharacteristically. The boy bit his nail, "Gryffindor seems nice, my brother's there. Or Ravenclaw, maybe?"

There was a moment of silence that made his heart pump, the anticipation making him uneasy. What was with this old cot playing with him? He caught the mumblings of the hat, feeling it twist and nod on top of his head. All it mumbled on about was how interesting it were, but never which house he would actually end up in. He made eye contact with Harry in the crowd, who gave him an amused look. He must've thought his twin found a way to mess with a magical hat. 

After a solid five minutes, the hat finally shouted it's decision. "SLYTHERIN!"

Silence. Dead, silence. Y/n looked up as the hat was being removed from his head, "Why are they silent?" he asked McGonagall, who gave him a look of pity. "Go on your house, Potter, you did well," she patted his back, causing his confusion to grow. Every other student had been received into their houses with loud claps and cheers, but for him, it was dumbfounded expressions.

As he got off the table, he heard a lone clap from the Slytherin table, it was Malfoy. Soon, everyone in the Slytherin started cheering for him, louder than for anyone else who had been sorted into their house. He grinned, joining the clapping for himself as he ran towards the table.

"Thanks," he sat next to Malfoy, messily tying his Slytherin tie. Harry from the Gryffindor table also clapped, a wry smile on his face as he gave his twin thumbs up

(A/n: I don't know when I'll be uploading a new chapter so i just decided to release all my final drafts. so uh, ya yeet?)

(A/n: sep 2/2021: oh my god plot change from the previous time this chapter was up uh oh. Anyway, the next chapter won't make sense unless I edit it like-- a lot. the rabbit hole i go)

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