Chapter 1

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Normal, thoughts, *_flashback or timeskip_*, ~~author~~

(Y/N)'s Pov

I was nearing the bar of the League of Villains base. I had planned on going out to earn some money, but I thought it would be best to tell Shigaraki or Kurogiri. While walking down the hallway, I hear Shigaraki talking to Kurogiri about something but decided to just walk in. "Hey Shigaraki, Kurogiri. I was about to go out, and I want wondering if I could get warped?" I said, stopping their previous conversation. " Of course (Y/N), where to?" Kurogiri asked to which I replied with," The bank."

Kurogiri opened his warp gate for me, and I stepped into it. I appeared in an alley way next to the bank. I put my mask and hood on, and  walked onto the sidewalk. People eyed me suspiciously as I walked into the bank.

When inside I reached into my pocket and pulled out a gun. I told everyone to put their hands up and to get on the ground. Everyone did ask I said while I walked up to a worker, smirking. I said to him," If you don't want anything to happen, I advise you to lead me to the vault." He nodded his head and I pulled him up, aiming the gun at his head. The both of us head to the vault and I told the worker," Just give me 2 duffle bags of money." He nodded and handed me the bags with shakey hands.

I pushed him in and close the vault door, successfully locking him in. As I'm walking out I notice a person on the phone talking to someone. I shoot the phone, the bullet grazing the person's cheek. Then, out of no where, All Might comes barging in. His smile sickened me. How can he smile knowing that he's leaving his family to save random strangers.

I just looked at him with pure disgust. The silence was finally broken when he said," Give up and return the money, Hummingbird." I had about enough of standing around doing nothing, so I said," Why should I when I can just leave?" Instantly, I used my smokescreen, temporarily blinding All Might. I looked outside and teleported there. Behind me, I heard All Might walking out of the bank. People were watching and filming us, hoping to see the #1 pro hero beat me. I called out to Kurogiri, knowing he was somewhere around, and ran through the warp gate that appeared not long afterwards.

When I arrived at the base, I took my mask off. I needed to let out some anger after seeing All Might, so I punched the wall. Once seeing that I cracked the wall, I headed back to my room to cool down a bit.

'I hate heroes'

All Mights Pov

Once I got out of the smoke filled bank, I saw the young villain leaving through a warp gate. 'Is that apart of her quirk?' I thought. I felt a pain, knowing it meant my time was almost up. I quickly jumped away before the news and fans had a chance of swarming me. By the time I got back to my house, I was already in my small form. Unlocking the door, I thought to myself,' I need to rest before I meet up with Young Midoriya.'


So how did you all like the first chapter? Tell me if there is anything I can improve upon, so that my writing can get better. Thank you for reading. -Sam

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