"all right, took care of business," he said

john b walked up to him and grabbed him, "hey look at me! if you keep going down this road you're gonna end up like your dad-" he started before ren yelled at him

"john b!"

"you watch your mouth, man," jj said bitterly before continuing, "aren't you tired of being messed with?"

"that's not the point, jj." john b said

"the point is-" ren started before jj cut her off by yelling,

"cause i am" he said

"watch the way you're speaking to her, jj. she's your girlfriend, you wouldn't want to lose her," john b warned

"i'm not putting it back," jj said before walking out,

ren and john b followed jj outside,

"all right, so, we're looking at five grand each, for reparations for putting us through that bullshit, sorry about that yall, ren me and you split it," jj said

"so, that's what we're doing now? we're robbing drug dealers?" kiara asked

"this barry guy's gonna find out, and he's gonna come after us," sarah said

"yes, he will. okay this is not the time to start wilin' out!" pope said to jj,

"how'd you guys like having a gun pulled on you?" jj asked,

"relax," john b got up in jj's face which made jj get angrier.

"he had it right here on you, bro," jj said

"look. we've gotta go get that gold, okay? just give me that shit," john b grabbed the bag so jj slammed him up against the van,

"do you feel like a tough guy, huh?" john b asked which made ren get irritated,

"john, stop," she warned

"what are you gonna do, when he comes after us?" john b asked jj.

"we punch him, in the throat,"jj said sternly.

"yeah good fucking idea, jj," john b said sarcastically

"i'm not putting it back," jj grabbed the bag before getting in the van looking at everybody, "you guys getting in or what?" but nobody moved, not even ren.

jj got out of the van and looked at ren and frowning, before looking away.

"what?" he asked

"we're sick of your shit," john b said,

"oh, my shit?" jj asked

"yeah. yeah, your shit," john b answered

"your pulling gun's on people shit," kiara said,

"you acting like a maniac-" pope started before ren cut him off,

"pope! he took the fall for you man! you know why? because jj cares about his friends more than anything! we both owe so much money!" ren yelled at him,

diver down // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now