A Journey Down Memory Lane

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The harsh ceiling lights start to blur Sasha's eyes as she stares upwards, trying to avoid looking at Jody's tearful ones beside her as May-Li holds her arm in comfort. The needle pierces her skin as she feels a gentle pinch and closes her eyes trying to calm herself from what's about to happen.
"Sasha? Can you count backwards from fifty for me, please?"
Her eyelids start to droop as she counts backwards quietly and hears Jody say  "how long is she going to be in there?"
"The standard procedure usually takes up to two hours" her doctors voice sounding muffled as Sasha continues to count slower and slower.
"We'll be right here waiting for you, Sash" May-Li says to her, her voice coming out just a whisper. As Sasha opens her eyes to look up at them, her hospital bed starts to move and the lights above seem like the only light in the room.
"I'm not going anywhere" Jody says muffled, grabbing her hand quickly, blurring in and out of focus in Sasha's line of sight before she has to let go.
Her vision going from darkness to blinding light as her hospital bed is pushed down the hallway, so harsh Sasha's tired eyes finally close shut just as she enters the surgery room doors.

She hears muffled voices around her, seeing the outline of faces in the dark but not being able to make them out.

"I'm not going anywhere" echoes through her ears before opening her eyes tiredly.

She sits up slowly and finds herself in an empty surgery, looking around for doctors and feeling around her body and seeing she's completely fine, it's as if she'd just been asleep a few seconds.
Worried something's gone wrong, she calls out "Hello?" towards the doors but hears nothing in return.
She lowers herself down from the hospital bed and follows the silence through the doors in the room, finding herself in an empty hallway. The once busy ward bustling with noise and people now eerily still and empty.
She turns back to where she came from and sees the lights turn out in the far distance, one by one the lights going out, getting closer and closer and closer with each passing second.
With an overwhelming sense of fear she backs away breathing heavily, trying to stay in the light and then turns and starts running for the doors at the end of the hallway.
She pushes them open before the darkness touches her and runs through to find herself in a strangely familiar room.
Somehow the hospital was connected to the living room at the house she grew up in.
Freaked out beyond comprehension but not wanting to go back where she came from, she heads straight for the door on the other side of the room only to find the doorway bricked up when she swings it open in a hurry.

She breathes heavily, feeling the cold brick on her hand and upon seeing her arms realises her hospital gown has disappeared and she's dressed in her leather jacket, jeans and a t-shirt.
"Hey, baby girl"
Sasha turns around to see who's in the room with her, "mum?" she whispers.
Her mother smiles and leans down as Sasha walks up to her and hugs her tightly, needing familiar comfort.
"Am- Am I..."
"... Dead?" She whispers, "it went wrong didn't it? The surgery-"
"Of course not, sweetheart. You're fine, look at you!"
"But... I woke up and... what's going on? The- the door, it's..."
"You can't go yet, not until we've talked" Kelly says, letting go and walking to the sofa near them.
"Talk about what?" Sasha asks, following her to the sofa warily.
"About why you're here" Kelly says, as if it's obvious.
"Where is here?"
"You're at home, babes"
"I-I was just at the hospital and then..."
"And then you came home" Kelly says smiling at her.
"But this isn't my home anymore, I haven't lived here in years. You don't even live here anymore"
"But it's where you grew up... maybe a little too fast"
"A little?" Sasha scoffs, "I basically had to raise Dexter by myself" she says, under her breath.
"I know, that wasn't right. I'm here to say I'm sorry I wasn't there for you as much as I should've been"
"...You weren't there for me at all" Sasha replies hurt, all the feelings she'd forgotten about coming back now she's back in this room again. "It's not like you ever cared what was going on in my life, where I was, who I was with, if I was safe - that's the sort of thing parents are supposed to worry about. They're supposed to care"
"I do care about you"
"Really? Look around" she says gesturing to the room around them, "You never even put up a photo of me, not once"
"There's photos of you in the new house, you've seen them"
"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, I just... I know you've changed, I didn't come home because I trust you to look after the kids now. And I know you'll be a good mum to them... But you could've tried to be a better one to me. Maybe I just wasn't worth changing for"
"You know that's not true"
Sasha takes a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears threatening to spill over, "what's going on, mum? Why am I back here?"
"Because you need to forgive me. I know it won't be easy but it's the only way you'll move on, in here and out there"
Sasha breathes deeply, her breath coming out in short shudders, "I don't understand"
Kelly smiles at her sadly and stands from the sofa, walking to the door on the far side of the room, "it's time to go"
"But it's bricked up, we can't go through there" Sasha says, walking towards her mum who just smiles at her and raises her eyebrows as if to say 'you sure about that?'
Sasha frowns and opens the door to find herself staring into darkness, reaching out a hand to feel for sure the solid brick is gone. She turns in confusion to her mum and finds an empty space in her place, turning to look at the room behind her now bare.
Knowing what she has to do, Sasha wipes the salty tears from her cheeks takes a deep breath and steps into the unknown, the door closing behind her by itself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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