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It was early in the morning it was 4:00am i woak up took a shower take my morning coffe feed dussu.It was alredy 4:10am i dont have to go to work until 5:00am so i did some of my work early but i got lost in my thouht

D:Miss Nathalie


D:Miss Nathalie

Stil Nothing


N:wha..what is it dussu?

D:Miss Nathalie i have been calling you like for like 2 min and you have not replayd.

N:sorry dussu i was lost in my thoughts

D:what are you thingking of miss

N:i cant tell you dussu

D:ok then .... i will just tell mr Agrest that you are in love with him

N:ok ok bussu i..

D:you what miss planing to live paris forever

D:WHATTTTTT??????!!!!??(dussu screamd)

N:Dussu shhh

D:sorry miss but why is it because of your work is it of me anoing you.(dussu sead with tears from her face)

N:no no no no no dussu its not you i gust dont thingk that i want to live like dis eny more i heve alredy weated so long i dont want to weat for a day eny more that i know wont come. (Nathalie sead with sadness)

D:but you are stil thinking a abaut it right miss?

N:yes dussu

D:so then ther is a chance you wont live right(dussu ask with hope)

N:meybe dussu

D:so wen are you planing to go

N:befor the end of the month

D:but that is not antil the next 3 weaks

N:i know dussu im stil thingking

D:pls make the right chose

N:ok dussu now lets go

D:ok miss

So Nathalie went to the car and drove to the Agrest manor it was 4:50am so she did not expect for the Agrest to be a weak yet so she went in sabe and went to the office she was not suprice
to see no won ther so she sat in her desk and start to work on her emalies

Time skip

It was 5:30am so she went to weak up the Agrest she went to Adrien room and knok on the door

N:Adrien its me Nathalie time to weak up

A:ha....oh ok Nathalie im a weak

N:ok be down in 5


Then she went to mr agrest room and knok

N:mr agrest its me Nathalie time to weak up sir

G:ok all be down in 5

N:ok sir

Then she went down to the office and do her work

After she was done some of her emalie she look at the clook and saw it was 7 so she went out of the office and went ti the dinning room and saw Adrien sitting in his spot then gave him his schedule

N:Adrien your schedule

A:ok thengk you Nathalie

After that she went back to the office

pls read⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

(Sorry if some part dose not make sens and sorry abaut the skip i just want to wright the gabenath part but on the next page i will tray to do better.But know it is alredy 10:00pm because of the time difference and im supose to be a sleep 2 hours a go i just sneak my phone to wright dis but i have to go now bye)

GoodByeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang