He's with us now

31 1 0

TW: Slurs, homophobia, implied abuse

Larry: ...What's something that you can buy from a grocery store that would get you weird looks?

Todd: ....rope

Maple: I've bought like, 2 pounds worth of Chocolate before

Sal: Duct Tape

Ash: *death glare*

Sal: I swear, I would be fixing something. I wouldn't bind with it again

Sal has a more feminine body structure and Has tried to bind before coming to terms with himself. He used Duct tape

Larry: Okay, Man tits.

Sal: Can I strangle him yet?

Larry: You May not. Next question: A witch has cast a spell on you turning you into an inanimate, non-electronic object for a year....

Sal: *Staring at Travis who's eating alone*

Larry: What do you choose? Sally?

Sal: *still staring*

Ash: Sal? You okay?

Sal: You think he's okay alone?

Ash: Who? Travis? Yea, he's probably plotting some awful shit.

Sal: I don't know...he always seems so....alone and cold

Larry: Dude, He called you the F-Slur. Preachers Boy doesn't know what to do with his life.

Sal: Preacher's boy?....Maybe it has something to do with his dad.....whatever, I'm gonna go talk to him

Larry: No! No no-

Sal: Too late.

Maple: I say you let him. If anything bad happens, we'll see it.

Sal: ....Um Travis?

Travis: Hm? Oh- What the hell do you want, Fag?

Sal: Okay off to a great start....I wanted to invite you to come hang with us.

Travis: And why would I hang out with a bunch of sick homos like you?

Sal: Because 1) I'm giving you a chance to get the stick out of your ass and make friends 2) You looked lonely.

Travis: .....fine. One day

Sal: Sweet. Oh and also, here.  This is the group hotline and server. The hotline Is just an emergency server in case anything bad happens at home.

Travis: Whatever

Sal: Good. Now come with me, you're sitting with us.


Larry: I refuse to understand why you invited him to hang out with us

Sal: Let's see: No friends, his bruise never seems to get better, he sits alone everyday, do I need to explain further

Todd: I mean I guess it's fine. If something's going on with him, the hotlines always there.

Larry: Not like he's likely to use it. Preacher's boy probably has nothing bad in his life

Sal: You never know.

Chug: I'm with Sally Face.

Sal: Alright well. I'm gonna...talk to somebody

Chug: D-Don't tell me you're gonna go to that ghost girl upstairs

Sal: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. See ya!

~~~~~~~again Lazy but real writing again~~~~~

Travis quickly scurried to his room and grabbed his phone. He was most likely on the edge of his rope at this point.

He grabbed some old earphones so his father couldn't hear whatever conversation was about to go down and quickly brought up a calling app on his phone

'Bout time I get out of here...if I even can'

~~~~apologies for the laze~~~~

Sal: Megan? Are you there? It's me and Larry, You can come out

Megan: Hi, Sally Face! Hello Larry!

Larry: Nope. Never gonna get used to it.

Sal: Nobody really is. You see two kids coming upstairs to talk to a ghost. Not exactly the norm-


Sal: Hold on...It's probably Travis. My number was on that page as well. *answers* Hey, Travis

Travis: Yeah, Hi. Um- are you busy right now?

Sal: Not really I'm just-

Megan: Sally boy, Who's that?

Travis: ...Was that a kid?

Sal: Uhhh-Yep. Larry and I are...babysitting a neighbors kid. How're you?

Travis: ...I'm perfectly fine *Violence at home motion*

Palm to camera, thumb to palm, trap the palm. Remember this for me Friends and Children

Larry: ....Travis, Do the that again please.

Travis: Um...okay.

Sal: What? What is it?

Larry: Pack anything you need, go through your window or anywhere your parents won't see you leave. Go to Addison Apartments and meets us in the 4th room, fifth floor.

Sal: Larry, What is it?

Travis: Okay...*hangs up*

Sal: How'd you know what to do so quickly? And for Travis nonetheless

Larry: That motion means violence at home. Which essentially means you were right. No matter how they act, no one our age deserves that

Sal: Nice to know you can care about him

Larry: Well if it's the reason he's acting up, I don't have a reason to hate him, do I?

Sal: Good. Megan can you handle another person with us? He's a friend.

Megan: Um...Sure!

Sal: Good. He should be here soon enough.


Travis: This does not look like the best place to be

(He knocked on the door of the abandoned room then opened the door)

Travis: Sal? Larry?

Sal: Heyy! So uhm. The kid we're watching. She's kind of Shy so maybe we could-

Megan: Sally Boy, is that your friend? Hello! My name is Megan

Travis: Uhhh, Fisher? The kid you're babysitting looks a little....ghosty

Sal: Yea we kind of failed to mention.......she's dead and forever bound to the abandoned level of our apartments

Travis: ..........Huh?

Sal: Long story short, this building is haunted. This is Megan Holmes. Her father is...probably on that noose over there and her mother is forever impaled and silenced in another room

Travis: Wha....W-Why did I come here again?

Sal: We're the Only people you know. C'mon, You're one of us now.

I am Sho Brown
And this is the Adventures in Addison Apartments

Adventures in Addison Apartments Where stories live. Discover now