“What? Trying to train us up again or something?”

Severus laughed. “If you want.”

Draco snorted. “What’re you doing for the weekend?” he asked, rolling Severus a tomato.

“What are you doing?” Severus asked back, feeling slightly awkward.

“Well, I was thinking of practising for Quidditch. The first match of the season is only a couple of months away…”

“Seeker must be tough,” Severus said absent-mindedly, chopping up the tomato.

“How’d you know I was Seeker?”

Snape jerked in his seat. “Oh, yeah, er…word gets around…”

“Oh,” said Draco, looking slightly gratified. “So… how about you?”


“Yeah, aren’t you going to try out for—” Draco’s face slightly twisted, “—Gryffindor’s team?”

Severus shuddered. “Not bloody likely.”

This seemed to have cheered Draco up greatly, and he proposed that they both go flying anyway. Severus agreed and they left the hall, Ginny giving them a slightly hurt look when they passed silently by.

“What’s up, Gin?” Harry asked, watching her expression.

But the chatter of about fifty students, all entering the hall at once, drowned Ginny out. Hermione laughed at her mystified look.

“The exchange students, they’re all used to getting up at the same time.”

“Yeah, you must have loads in your year, Ginny,” said Ron, spearing a piece of bacon.

“Most of them are from Beauxbatons,” Hermione rattled off, “but there are a few from Durmstrang—”

“Oh really?” Ginny winked at Hermione, making her blush scarlet.

“Victor’s left school already,” she muttered.

“So, er, about that Transfiguration essay,” Harry interjected hastily, seeing Ron glaring at Hermione and mashing his eggs rather violently.

Hermione glared back at Ron but said snootily, “Well, I’ll be working in the library this evening if you want my help, Harry. I shall certainly expect to see you there, Ron.”

“Washat-men-ta-mean?” Ron asked angrily, through a mouthful of eggs.

Harry caught Ginny’s eye and grinned. Ginny giggled back and felt the sudden urge to jump up and down in joy.

It felt good to be back.


“Hey, not bad, Severus,” Draco commented, as the larger boy swooped through the air and caught the small golf ball.

“Yeah, I know,” Severus replied shamelessly, throwing the ball in the air and giving it a whack with the broomstick.

Potion's Master Nephew ( Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now