50SOH - Chapter 3

Depuis le début


"Byee" Felix said then dropped the call. He then giggled. "I told him, right?" The guy beside him just looked at him.

It was not too long before someone called Felix again.


"Stay there, I know where you are" Hyunjin said before dropping the call.

"Wha- hello?"

Felix then waited outside, which he regretted because it was cold and he wasn't wearing any jacket.

"Hey! Its cold outside, why are you here?" Changbin said then lent him his jacket.

"Thank you" Felix said.

"Hey I wanna tell you something" Changbin said. He was too close so Felix tried to pull away but then Changbin was all over his personal space, with his hands on the younger's waist. "I like you"

"You do?" Felix asked.

"Yes. Can I kiss you? let me kiss you" He held Lix's cheeks and tried to kiss him. Changbin pushed himself to Felix, trying to kiss him.

"Get the away from him!" Hyunjin suddenly arrived and pushed Changbin away from Felix.

The other felt bile in his throat and then suddenly vomitted on the floor. Hyunjin soothed his back.

"Don't look at me" Felix whined. Hyunjin sighed and gave Felix his handkerchief.

"This is-" Felix attempted but wiped his mouth with it nevertheless.

"Let's go, I'll take you home" Hyunjin held his waist.

"I'm with Mina" Felix reasoned.

"Its okay, she's with Jeongyeon"  Hyunjin said.


"Yeah, She's my sister" Hyunjin held his hand and went inside. "Wait here"

Felix watched him as he went to his sister, who was with Mina, and whispered something. Soon enough, He nodded and then went back to Felix.

"That's your sister?" He asked.

"Not by choice, Now lets go" Hyunjin said.

"What did Mina say?" He asked again.

"She said she wants me to be in my best behavior" Felix giggled at that. "More like threatening me"

"Okay" He giggled again. His giggly face morphed into a serious one. "You're spinning"

Hyunjin held his waist at that.

"I think I'm gonna faint" Felix said.

"Right now?" Felix did not have the chance to answer as he fainted into Hyunjin's arms.


Hyunjin's POV

I hope he's awake at this point. I just came back from running around the city.

I listened behind the door from the outside and heard some shuffling inside.

I opemed the door and saw that he's awake and already sitting on the bed.

"Hey" I called.

"Hi" He said. "I-is this your shirt?"

"Yes. You have to wear it til Chan gets back here and bring your clothes" I said.

"Chan? Who's Chan?" He asked.

"My driver" I answered.

"O-oh. D-did you undress me?" He asked again.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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