Voldemort spoke aloud a name, and every Death Eater in the surrounding circle was thankful it wasn’t theirs. Save one.

Lucius,” he said again, louder this time.

A single trembling Death Eater stepped forward. “Y-yes, my Lord?” he said, his head bowed.

“Why is your son lying at my feet, instead of Harry Potter?” 

The Death Eater shook so much his hood fell down, revealing his white-with-terror face. He continued to stare glassily ahead, unable to look at either Voldemort or Draco’s jerking body. “M-my Lord, h-he is not my son…”

Although incapable of speech, Draco’s red-rimmed eyes betrayed his hurt. He jerked an arm towards his father.

Voldemort flicked his wand quickly, and Lucius’s voice cut off with a sharp gasp. His eyes widened in shock as he clutched at his tightening throat, ignoring his son’s feeble hand clawing desperately at the air between them. “He is y-yours,” Lucius choked, his usually proud face a dull purple. “Y-yours to do with what y-you…w-will.”

There was a tense pause as Voldemort raised his wand once more, before lowering it again with a mirthless laugh. “How very like you, Lucius,” he said, releasing the older Malfoy. Lucius stumbled back and rejoined the circle. “One more mistake however, and you won’t have any family left.”

Ginny gazed down at her feet, where Draco was lying still on the ground. At Voldemort’s laughter, his shoulders tensed and he jerked his head upwards, his blurry vision just catching his trembling father shrinking backwards into the gloom.

“And you, boy,” Voldemort spoke once more, his attention back to the two of them as he walked forward and kicked Draco in the stomach. “Are you going to try to save your companion once more? Or do you have something you can offer your new master?”

Draco gasped painfully, attempting to shuffle away from the towering wizard. Ginny also waited for an answer, a tiny ray of hope growing in her chest.

“No…you don’t understand, I was trying to tell you…I’m no friend of hers,” he spat.

A blade of ice seemed to jab into Ginny’s heart, as she continued to clutch the Firebolt almost numbly. She raised her wand and pointed it at Draco’s chest.

You…”she breathed, but jerked backwards when Draco staggered to his feet, raising his own wand in answer.

“What, you think I actually care what happens to you, Weasley?” said Malfoy, his face streaked with dirt and his fists shaking. “You think I wouldn’t sacrifice your life to save my own?”

Ginny’s throat felt horribly constricted, but her scorn overrode her fear. The Death Eaters and Voldemort were momentarily forgotten as she screamed in return. “I never assumed for a second, Malfoy, that you weren’t a cowardly worm just like your father!”

There was a split-second of silence before the sky went black. Already quite dim, the clearing was now swamped in darkness, and two things happened at once. Voldemort’s wand flicked and a burst of red light streaked straight towards Ginny, as Draco simultaneously yelled, “ACCIO, FIREBOLT!” Ginny felt herself jerked through the air by the broomstick, the flash of light slicing her cheek and hitting the broom instead. Draco, who had started running to the edge of the clearing, was suddenly barrelled into by a struggling Ginny, the force of their collision throwing them into a tangle of thick bushes to the side.

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