This is it. He's really going to say goodbye to Japan.

His mind lingers to Y/N but he quickly pushes the thought away. If he thinks about her, it'll only make this big step much harder. He couldn't bring it up to her last night that he was leaving to go to France today. He can only ask for her forgiveness when he reaches out to her again. Pierre flutters back the tears that tries to creep up.

To be honest he's deathly afraid.

Moving to France means he's leaving his home behind— Y/N. He's also going to have to learn the language and adapt to the new environment. But, no one ever said change wouldn't be scary.

"Next!" The flight attendant at the desk calls up for Pierre. "May I see your flight information?" She smiles at Pierre and he shows her the information from his phone. She then asks him to place his suitcase on the weight scale beside her. After checking in his suitcase he's told to head through security and that his plane will be in terminal 1, section 26.

Pierre walks away from the desk and looks up to the signs that point to the security checkpoint. A wave of sadness washes over him, sending goosebumps down his spine. He glances outside and feels the regret settle in his chest. He should've told Y/N about today. But it's too late. His flight leaves in roughly two hours and the line for security check continues to grow. Pierre looks away and starts to make his way to the long line for security check.

"Young master just give me a call when you're out here. I'll be waiting in the airport garage." Yamoto drops the three off at the airport. You've tried to dial Pierre's phone but he's disconnected his number.

Where do you even begin to look?

Your mind is a mess and you can't think straight. Konoha speaks up next to you. "He's probably just checked in with his airline. Our best bet is to find him during security check. We just have to figure out what section of the airport he's in. There's only two of them here."

Akaashi lowers his phone from his hand. "There's only one flight right now for France. It's leaving in terminal 1." Konoha looks up and searches for a sign. The three are currently in the middle of the airport. "Which means he checked in to the left of the airport. Let's go!" Konoha dashes ahead and you hurry after him.

Akaashi and Konoha both mentally pray that they'll be able to spot Pierre in time for Y/N.

"He shouldn't be too hard to spot. The man looks like a model." Konoha scans the area around him as he's running. The three slow down when they see a large line.

That's when you spot a familiar long blonde haired man. Pierre waits in the middle of the long line, a distant expression on his face. Your heart races against your chest and you feel your eyes sting with tears. Cupping your hands together, you cry out to him. "Pierre!"

Unsure if he heard correctly, he raises his head up to look towards the sound of the voice. Pierre widens his eyes when he sees Y/N. Her face red and covered with tears. Her chest heaves up and down from her running.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now