she comes home to find you asleep

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Dianna closed the front door as quietly as she could as she stepped inside. Her shoulders slumped as the tension and stress the day had held started to fade away now that she was home.

Though it was late, she couldn't help but hope that you'd be waiting downstairs for her. Her day was long and she's been waiting for the moment that she could walk through the door and she was hoping you'd be there on the sofa when she arrived home. Because she's missed you and she's missed the comfort of your arms.

But the lights were off and the room was empty and everything was quiet. She understood why, considering that it's well after midnight and you probably didn't have an easy day yourself.

She placed her things on the floor and kicked off her shoes before making sure all the doors were locked and the curtains closed.

She climbed the stairs as quickly as she could but tiptoed down the hallway to keep quiet as she got closer to the bedroom. The door was open only a crack and she squeezed her eyes shut and bit on her lip when she opened it and a loud and annoying creak followed.

The lights in the room were off, the room pitch black, and she guided her way into the room by feeling where everything was at. She made her way to the bed, where she flipped the lamp on only to find you laying on her side of the bed, sound asleep.

Curled up in her hoodie and both of your blankets with your face buried in her pillows. She could hear your soft breaths and the small snores falling from your lips, causing a smile to appear on her face for the first time in hours.

A few soft sounds suddenly escaped your lips as you stirred. The blanket slipped off of your shoulder but she was quick to drape it back over you so you wouldn't get cold. But the touch of her hand made your eyes open.

You looked just as tired as she felt. She sent you a small smile and leaned down to kiss your head. "I'm sorry I woke you. You can go back to sleep, it's alright." She assured and with how tired you felt, you couldn't even try to fight the sleepy feeling.

Your heavy, tired eyes closed once more and you drifted back off to sleep quickly.

She quietly changed out of her clothes and into something much more comfortable before she brushed her teeth and then tiptoed back out into your shared bedroom.

"Still in my spot, hm?" She chuckled softly, heart feeling full with love at the sight of you still laying on her side of the bed. She was just as tired, so she wasn't gonna wake you to have you move. Instead, she wordlessly climbed into bed on your side and pulled part of the blanket that you weren't over herself.

She put her head back on your pillows and hummed quietly as a contentful feeling came over her. She was happy to be home and even happier to be back next to you and on her way to sleep.

But to make her feel even better, only adding to the utter happiness she was feeling already, you rolled over in your sleep and put your head on her shoulder instinctively.

"Goodnight, my love. I love you lots." She whispered in your ear and brushed her fingertips along your sides, ready to fall right asleep.

But not before she heard you mumble out, "Love you too. Sweet dreams."

And with you there in her arms, she knew she would have just that.

Dianna Agron Imagines (gxg)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα