.:Extended Ending:.

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He looked to the ceiling and shook his head. "My girlfriend has committed a crime," he murmured.

"Wha- Hey!" Amy pouted playfully.

Shadow chuckled and started to work on the mix for the deviled eggs. "Well, now I have to work my hardest so that the first ones you ever try are the absolute best," he said, determined.

Amy smiled lovingly up at him. But Shadow was too concentrated on his task to notice, which Amy thought was even cuter. The sound of the door opening and shutting caught her attention and she turned to find Sonic and Silver with a bunch of CDs for the stereo. She heard them arguing about which band was better, Fall Out Boy, or Panic! at the Disco.

"Aren't those bands a little girly for your guys' taste?" Amy asked, halting the almost heated conversation.

They both turned to her with blank stares. "Both bands are made up entirely of men," Silver argued.

Amy nodded, conceding their point. "They just seem like the music they sing would appeal more to women, not to mention most of them are pretty hot. Brendon Urie being like, number one out of them."

The boys nodded in agreement, to her surprise. While Shadow turned to her with a frown on his face, making her laugh. She moved up to him and quietly told him so that only he could hear, "I meant out of the band members, Shaddy. You're still number one for me!~" She sang.

He gave her a peck on the lips seeming satisfied. "I better be," he mumbled.

Everyone gathered in the living room soon after, all sitting next to each other in their usual pairs. Amy sat next to Shadow on the couch, and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders comfortably. "Truth or Dare!" Rouge cried out excitably.

Shadow and Amy didn't particularly care what they did. But there was a long conversation/argument about it from everyone else. Eventually they all agreed to play for awhile.

Silver turned to Amy after a few pansy truths and asked, "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," Amy said despite herself. She was kind of sick of everyone chickening out for Truth. But she was terrified herself.

"I dare you to take the ketchup bottle from the kitchen and drink a 1/4 cup of it. And you have to actually measure it out, and drink it all," he told her.

(I actually had to do this once, it was AWFUL xD)

Shadow scrunched his face up in disgust. "Come on guys, what about me? I might have to kiss her later," he said jokingly. Everyone bust up laughing and Amy just punched his shoulder. He laughed, rubbing his shoulder tenderly and let her up to go do her dare.

Amy plugged her nose and drank the ketchup as told, trying not to puke. Her face twisted and she managed to swallow it, while everyone laughed at her, clutching their stomachs. "That is the grossest thing I've ever had to do," she complained. "It tastes like super thick, sour tomato soup." She faked retching, and went to wash her mouth out. Both for Shadow's and her own benefit.

Once the laughing died down, and Amy returned to her seat with Shadow's arm around her, Amy turned to Sonic. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," he answered, feeling encouraged after having Amy do one.

She smirked. "Jump in the lake," she told him. He shrugged and stood up, kind of dissappointed but then Amy added one last word. "Nude."

Shadow facepalmed, and Sonic paled. Amy shrugged her shoulders as everyone cracked up. "I'm actually being pretty considerate with this, because then when you're done, you won't need a change of clothes."

I Can Always Make You Smile- A ShadAmy OneShotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin